Tag: best practices

  • The Fallacy of Shu-Ha-Ri

    Shu-Ha-Ri is frequently used as a good model that shows how we adopt new skills. The general idea is pretty simple. First, we just follow the rules. We don’t ask how the thing works, we just do the basic training. That’s Shu level.

    Then we move to understanding what we are doing. Instead of simply following the rules we try to grasp why the stuff we’re doing works and why the bigger whole was structured the way it was. We still follow the rules though. That’s Ha level.

    Finally, we get fluent with what we do and we also have deep understanding of it. We are ready to break the rules. Well, not for the sake of breaking them of course. We are, however, ready to interpret a lot of things and use our own judgement. It will sometimes tell us to go beyond the existing set constraints. And that’s Ri level.

    I’ve heard that model being used often to advise people initially going with “by the book” approach. Here’s Scrum, Kanban or whatever. And here’s a book that ultimately tells you what to do. Just do it the way it tells you, OK?

    Remember, you start at Shu and only later you’d be fluent enough to make your own tweaks.

    OK, I do understand the rationale behind such attitude. I’ve seen enough teams that do cherry picking without really trying to understand the thing. Why all the parts were in the mechanism in the first place. What was the goal of introducing the method in the first place. On such occasions someone may want to go like “just do the whole damn thing the way the book tells you.”

    It doesn’t solve a problem though.

    In fact, the problem here is lack of understanding of a method or a practice a team is trying to adopt.

    We don’t solve that problem by pushing solutions through people’s throats. The best we can do is to help them understand the method or the practice in a broader context.

    It won’t happen on Shu level. It is actually the main goal of Ha level.

    I would go as far to argue that, in our context, starting on a Shu level may simply be a waste of time. Shu-Ha-Ri model assumes that we are learning the right thing. This sounds dangerously close to stating that we can assume that a chosen method would definitely solve our problems. Note: we make such an assumption without really understanding the method. Isn’t it inconsistent?

    Normally, the opposite is true. We need to understand a method to be able to even assess whether it is relevant in any given context. I think here of rather deep understanding. It doesn’t mean going through practices only. It means figuring out what principles are behind and, most importantly, which values need to be embraced to make the practices work.

    Stephen Parry often says that processing the waste more effectively is cheaper, neater, faster waste. It is true for work items we build. It is true also for changes we introduce to the organization. A simple fact that we become more and more proficient with a specific practice or a method doesn’t automatically mean that the bottom line improves in any way.

    That’s why Shu-Ha-Ri is misguiding. We need to start with understanding. Otherwise we are likely to end up with yet another cargo cult. We’d be simply copying practices because others do that. We’d be doing that even if they aren’t aligned with principles and values that our organization operates by.

    We need to start at least on Ha level. Interestingly enough, it means that the whole Shu level is pretty much irrelevant. Given that there is understanding, people will fill the gaps in basic skills this way or the other.

    What many people point is how prevalent Shu-Ha-Ri is in all sorts of areas: martial arts, cooking, etc. I’m not trying to say it is not applicable in all these contexts. We are in a different situation though. My point is that we haven’t decided that Karate is the way to go or we want to become a perfect sushi master. If the method was defined than I would unlikely object. But it isn’t.

    Are there teams that can say that Scrum (or whatever else) is their thing before they really understand the deeper context? If there are then they can perfectly go through Shu-Ha-Ri and it will work great. I just don’t seem to meet such teams and organizations.

  • What Makes a Good Retrospective

    The other day I facilitated a retrospective for a fellow team. My goal, as a facilitator, was basically to help them to suck as much value out of the meeting as possible.

    Now, before we move on, a picture from a past. I recall a bunch of retrospectives which looked like this: a whole project team met for a longer time and everyone was asked what was good about the project and what needed improvements. Then, one of project leaders wrote it down in a document uploaded the document to a server and finally everyone could just happily forget about the whole thing.

    Does it sound familiar? It probably does for many of you. Does it add any value? Um… next question, please. Isn’t it a complete waste of time? Oh well… If you don’t plan to make any use out of retro, don’t even start it.

    So the question is: what makes a retrospective valuable?

    The answer is actually pretty simple.

    Value of retrospective can be measured in terms of changes sprung by it.

    It basically means that the team decided to act, to try something new, to deal with a problem. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be an overnight success. Most likely it won’t. But at least they gave themselves a chance. They might even totally fail with the first approach, but they kept trying.

    Note: when I say changes I think about things which are really changing, not about those we just say we’re going to change but don’t do so.

    Anyway, another problem pops up. We want changes, but how to make them happen?

    Um, that’s sort of easy. Remember about a few simple rules:

    • Don’t chase too many goals. It’s usually tempting to cover each and every issue we spotted. After all we have all the enthusiasm and we want to improve. The problem is that when we commit to too many tasks we’re going to fail at many of them. Then, we’ll get discouraged that we don’t see any results of retro and our enthusiasm won’t be that enthusiastic next time. If there’s going to be the next time, that is.
    • Assign people to tasks. Task with no individual attached to it isn’t really assigned. A decision that the team would do something means that, well, someone else can do it, not necessarily me, right? Tasks assigned to everyone most likely end up not being done by anyone.
    • Have deadlines. Ask when you’re going to be done doing this or that. Keep your deadlines possibly short, yet definitely reasonable and achievable. Stating that something will be done in 6 months is meaningless. In 6 months I can work in the other place of the planet. A couple of weeks are a time frame we understand way better than a few months. If tasks don’t suit short time frames, chop them to smaller ones.
    • Verify outcomes. When deadlines pass remember to discuss with the team what was done, what was the outcome, what else, if anything, has to be done about discussed issues. Again, I don’t assume that all the problems are solved. You may end up with a solution, which didn’t work, and will to try something different. You can also end up with solved problem but the least you should do is saying so. Starting the next retro with such a summary of outcomes from the previous one is a good practice.
    • Repeat. One retro is just a quick fix. If you need sustainable change do retrospectives regularly. I don’t believe you are so perfect that one retro is enough to solve all the issues you might possibly have.

    In short you want to end up with a short list of actionable work items assigned to people and then check how you’re dealing with them.

    Of course sometimes it just sounds that easy. Sometimes you need to work hard to avoid blame game, get focused on specific issues, cut out longish but pointless discussions, learn to accept things you can’t change etc. Sometimes you will need to try different formats to animate communication or build basic trust between team members or change their attitude to anything positive. Sometimes it may be damn hard work to do.

    But as long as you aim for the goal and your actions help in achieving it, you should do pretty well.

  • Surprising Truth about Kanban Improvements

    My session at GOTO Copenhagen was on Kanban improvements. My goal was to show the mechanics of improvements in teams adopting Kanban and you probably know me enough to know I wanted to build the session over real-life examples. Here is what I ended up with.

    The result was a bunch of stories following similar pattern: we introduced Kanban, then some existing behaviors became visible and finally we started improving doing it either consciously or not. That was basically the point I thought about when I started building the presentation.

    However when you think about it longer you notice that it’s not that simple. I mean the pattern itself is simple, but that’s not all. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Let’s take collective code ownership – one of my favorite examples. Consider you start with a typical situation where code ownership isn’t collective at all. You deal with bus factor of one and your life is miserable. Given that you adopt Kanban, your developers should start pulling different features to work on, not necessarily features which deal with the code written by themselves. They want it or not they have to start learning code written by others and knowledge is slowly spread among the team members. Eventually, after some time, the code is owned much more collectively than it used to be.

    It’s a nice example. If we stop here it is still a nice story of improvement. But if you look a bit closer there’s much more than just that.

    Let’s go back to developers pulling features from codebase they aren’t familiar with. A question: what do you think a decent developer will do in such situation? Probably they’re going to start with learning what a feature is all about. Then, and it now becomes interesting, they will start learning the code they will be changing and updating. This activity has even a name – code review. You may argue, but it actually is code review. It probably isn’t very formal but last time I checked you weren’t getting point for making code reviews as formal as possible.

    It starts looking better, isn’t it? Let’s move to the next step then.

    We have the situation where a decent developer is reviewing someone else’s code. I bet they spot some bad code out there. It’s kind of safe bet – we aren’t machines so we do make errors on occasions. What’s next? Well, one of ideas is to find the one who wrote that crap and make them fix it. Except it doesn’t work, because the author is either busy, already working on different project or left the company 3 months ago. It’s much more likely that the developer would improve the code by themselves. And you already have guessed – this one also has a name: refactoring.

    It looks like it’s not only collective code ownership but we also get code reviews and more refactoring in the package.

    That’s not all.

    Look at the situation focusing on how it changes people. You teach them good practices and you do it by example. You don’t just try to convince the team that code reviews are good. You kind of trick people to actually start doing it. You give them a precious gem – real experience instead of just an opinion. You push people to learn.

    Quite much of that already, but if you think I can’t draw another connection you’re wrong. This is the last one, I promise. At least for now.

    Probably the best thing which happens here isn’t really about engineering practices. It isn’t about learning either – after all you shouldn’t need to push people to learn anyway. The best thing is you draw people out of their comfort zones on so many levels. They start working on unfamiliar code, they start using new practices, and they start learning new things. In terms of everyone’s personal development you couldn’t do them a better favor.

    OK, now remind me where we have started. I believe it’s been drawing a connection between introducing Kanban and collective code ownership. How come we’ve gone that far?

    This is exactly the surprising truth about Kanban improvements. There is no detailed plan of adopting specific practices or improving specific things. You just set the proper framework and let people figure out the rest.

    I really like the metaphor David Anderson shared: it’s like organizing a good party. You bring food and beverages, you have music, you organize enough room to chat, eat, dance, etc. And most importantly you invite the right people. In details you don’t know what will happen. Your goal isn’t to plan everything to the last possible bit. You just create a framework for people to have fun.

    Same applies to Kanban. It’s just a framework for people to improve. You bring your board and a bunch of simple rules. You show them the idea, but then it’s up to them where they’re going to take to whole thing.

    You end up observing interesting connections between Kanban, collective code ownership, code reviews, refactoring, learning, moving people out of their comfort zones, etc. Continuous improvement in Kanban is rather a complex mechanism inside, yet it doesn’t mean it is hard to operate it. It kind of operates itself. And this is exactly the reason why it is so great.

    Advertisement: Want to have such nice Kanban boards in your presentations as well? Check InfoDiagram Kanban Toolbox. Use pawelBBlog code to get $10 discount.


  • Best Practices: Continuous Build

    Under my recent post about best engineering practices I was pointed that it is just another “do whatever works for you” or I don’t know experiment kind of advice. Well, it was that kind of advice indeed. Have I ever given you a different one?

    Anyway I admit shot was on target. If someone is one of those battlescars who has seen much they probably would be more than happy to hear something like that. On the other hand if you happen to be a freshman you may expect to get something like a real advice. You know, the one which you can simply take and apply in your team without much thinking since “the wise guy said so.”

    Coming back to best practices than. What can I tell you besides you should experiment with your practices to find what works for you? Well, if I had to choose one engineering practice which is definitely a sure shot I’d go for continuous integration. And yes, I’m not expecting a flame war under this post.

    “Who the hell doesn’t have continuous build yet? We are in 21st century, haven’t you heard?” Yes, I used to treat continuous build as an obvious thing a decade ago and you know what? I was wrong. There are many teams and companies which don’t have continuous build implemented. Why? Because they think it is hard, because it takes time to setup the whole thing, because the project is oh so legacy, because no one cares, because no one approved order for build server, because, because, because… If you want to hit the dog you will find a stick. And many companies are still beating poor puppies hard. I could name huge systems sold to big institutions which never touched a build server.

    I can tell it as an anecdote: pretty much every company I worked for set up continuous build once I was working for them. This basically mean the earlier you hired me the better. Not that every company I’ve worked for still exists but we aren’t discuss business here, are we?

    If I think about setting up a team or project the very first task to do is getting and configuring a build server. It is a prerequisite to write a first program. And I’m not going to take a look at damn hello world application until build server is up and running. Don’t even say you dared to write any code without continuous build set up.

    So this is my first answer about specific engineering practices we all should employ. Unfortunately once I started to give you specific answers I expect to hear “what’s next?” And from this point every answer can be only more difficult.

    That doesn’t mean I won’t try though.

  • The Kanban Story: Swarming

    If you’re into Kanban you probably have heard the term swarming. Actually chances are good you’ve heard the term despite your lack of interest in Kanban.

    What is swarming?

    In short swarming is all about getting more people to do the task than you’d get otherwise, in normal situation. An example: you have a bug which normally would be fixed by a single developer, but for some reason you have the whole team working on it. And you already have another question…

    Why, oh why?

    Why would you want people to swarm around a small task? Typically teams do this when they face either a blocker, which hampers whole team, or a very difficult problem, which is hardly solvable by a single person. Either way you get more people to move things further, which would be impossible or at least very difficult otherwise.

    Swarming in Kanban, part 1

    Up to this point swarming is something teams do intuitively at times. The reason why the term is mentioned so often in the context of Kanban is one of Kanban rules: limiting work in progress. Because in Kanban we want to have as few ongoing tasks as possible, yet as much as it still does make sense, we have limits for different stages of our process. And it when we hit the limit we treat it as a problem which we want to solve and we want to solve it fast. That’s why we swarm.

    Swarming in Kanban, part 2

    There is another thing which you may read about, which I call everyday swarming. Everyday swarming is done by teams which swarm by default, when no emergency situation happens. The reason standing behind this behavior is trying to make cycle time and/or lead time as short as possible thus flow of tasks very rapid and smooth. Oh, and you have fewer ongoing tasks then too, which means you have less work in progress, which means you have less waste, which means you are oh so lean.

    Our story

    I must admit I don’t really like the idea of everyday swarming. I mean cycle time is definitely shorter but I’m so sure about throughput. Flow is smoother but you kick in a lot of micro-switches when a few people need to integrate their work into one piece of code since they all have worked on a single feature. You also may invite some issues with version control this way since you’ll be working on the same chunks of code. For me the net weight of swarming by default is negative.

    Basically that’s why we avoid swarming whenever possible. When there is some serious problem to solve and standard approach is not enough we naturally help each other. One person after another joins the rescue team and this basically ends as swarming. But other than that we prefer to have only one person working on the task at the same time. Well, of course there are exceptions like discussing design or testing and bug-seeking/bug-fixing but these all are pretty natural things for any software development team. After all it would be pretty schizophrenic to discuss the design with oneself.

    It looks like we swarm as David Anderson initially proposed, despite ignoring David’s teachings when it comes to lead time. I think this is the most natural way of swarming. But of course you remember the rule to experiment like crazy, so you may want to try something different in your team.

    Read the rest of Kanban Story as well.

  • Internal Audit: Lessons Learned

    Last week we had an internal audit in our team. If you automatically think “ISO 9001” when you hear “internal audit” let me just state it had nothing to do with ISO. We have a few so called quality requirements in the company and every team should follow them but these aren’t anything like ISO procedures.

    The reason why I was interested how the audit would go is we work pretty differently than the rest of the organization so quality requirements aren’t really adjusted to our specifics. I was also curious how our non-standard process would look like in comparison to other teams.

    I caught a few things which are worth sharing.

    Small Features versus Big Features

    Our currency for functionality is MMF (Minimal Marketable Feature). MMF itself probably doesn’t tell you much and I know different teams use different sizes for MMFs. In our case average MMF can be coded by a single developer in about a week, so they are pretty small.

    On the other hand in other projects typical currency for functionality is requirement which is significantly bigger and, as such, less detailed. I’d say that on average it is few times bigger than MMF.

    Where’s the difference? I mean, besides the size itself. One very visible difference is we do significantly less paperwork. With features small enough that they can be easily analyzed and decomposed by product owner, developer and tester we don’t need to write low-level design documents or test cases or user stories. We can spend more time doing the real work instead of creating a pile of documents which tend to become outdated as soon as you hit the save button.

    Frequent Deployment versus Not-So-Frequent Deployment

    I guess there aren’t many teams which still treat deployment as one-time effort done at the end of project. But still, frequent deployment is a painful thing, especially when developers work in different team than QA engineers and QA engineers work in different team than release managers. An average project isn’t deployed biweekly. Not even close.

    On the contrary we deploy, on average, once every 9 days and I mean calendar days here. Of course it didn’t look like that from the very beginning and it cost us a bit to get there. I would say it took us about half a year to gain this pace.

    Where’s the difference? I could tell you about time-to-market, but it really depends on project whether you need time-to-market counted in days or months. The cool thing is somewhere else. With such a short cycle time we don’t have a temptation to incur technical debt. We don’t leave unfixed bugs. We just don’t. After all we might have been discussing about a single low priority bug, not a few dozens of them so the fixing cost would be so low that we don’t even start the discussion in the first place. Even if we hit a dead-end redoing the whole darn feature doesn’t take us a couple of months – it’s just a few days so it’s much easier to accept it.

    Everyone on the Same Page versus Formalized Process

    We’re small team and we’re co-located so we have fairly few communication issues. The process we follow is very simple and, what is even more important, crafted by our team. We all are at the same page.

    Most of the teams in the company follow more formalized process. There are different functional teams which are meant to cooperate, there are specific documents expected from each other by people working on projects etc. On the top of that there’s some office politics too and formalized process is used as a weapon.

    Where’s the difference? This one was pretty much a surprise for me, but it looks like our process appears as mature and effective even though it isn’t even recorded in any form. We just know what everyone should do. Whenever some obstacle appears on the way people naturally try to help each other as they see and understand what’s happening. And yes, I’m over the top just because no one forced me to write the process description down. On the other hand formalized process is often artificial for other teams who have to follow it and they sometimes focus on being compliant to the process (or fighting with it) instead of building software.

    What Does It Mean For You?

    I’m not trying to say here you should now automatically cut every feature you work on in half (at least), deploy three times more frequently than you do now and throw every procedure out. It would probably end with chaos, which your managers might have not appreciated.

    I’m not trying to say it was easy to get where we are now. It took great people, some experience, a lot of experimenting and enough time to get better at what we started doing. A year ago I would have hard time trying to point how our approach might be better than what you could find in the rest of the company.

    And I’m not trying to say you should read these advices in “this over that” manner known from Agile Manifesto. It’s not only our team which is pretty different than average team in the company but a product is also far from standard projects we build in organization so I compare pretty different environments. I wouldn’t even say that every single team in the company would benefit from implementing our approach, although a few of them definitely would.

    These are just things I learned while talking with Ola who audited our team (and many other teams in the company). For me these lessons weren’t obvious. I mean connection between frequent deployment and short time-to-market is pretty clear for anyone who understands what “deployment” and “time-to-market” means, but I’ve never really considered that very short production cycle may help to avoid technical debt too.

    And if you’re interested what the audit result was, I’d say it was pretty good. I mean, everyone likes to listen to some compliments from time to time, so we may want to ask for another audit soon.

  • Why We Don’t Write Test Cases Anymore

    Almost a year ago I shared an advice to use test cases. Not because they are crucial during testing or dramatically improve the quality of the product (they are not), but because of value you get when you create test cases.

    A confession (and yes, you’d guess it anyway if you read the title): we don’t write test cases anymore.

    We stopped using them and the reason isn’t on the list of shortcomings of test cases. Actually I was aware of these shortcomings a year ago and I were all “test cases are great” anyway. What have changed then?

    We dropped test cases as a side effect of implementing Kanban, but you can perfectly use both if you like. In our case one of effects of switching to Kanban was making our pieces of functionality pushed (pulled actually) to development smaller. Before the switch we had pretty big features which were split into several (8-15) detailed user stories. After the switch we have much smaller features which would make 2 or 3 detailed user stories if we didn’t drop writing user stories at all.

    And the reason for making features smaller was simple – smaller features, smoother and more flexible workflow.

    Initially we were connecting test cases to features, not user stories. It was so because pretty often one testing flow was going through a few different user stories. I told you they were detailed. When standard feature-size went down we realized there’s much less value in preparing test cases.

    Once again: main value of creating test cases is thinking about specific usage scenarios, looking for places forgotten during design. The more complex feature the bigger are chances there is something screwed up. With small features test cases lost much of their value for us since most problems we were able to locate instantly and fix problems without additional technique. And yet the effort needed to create and maintain test cases was still significant. So we dropped the practice.

    It looks like my advice is: make your features smaller, and then you’ll be able to drop user stories and test cases. And I must say it does make sense, at least for me. What do you think?

  • Which Engineering Practices You Should Use

    XP is a “software development through the eyes of an engineer” kind of methodology. It focuses heavily on engineering practices.

    On contrary, neither Scrum nor Kanban seems to care much about best software development practices. But wait, if you read about Kanban a bit you’ll quickly find an advice to focus on your engineering practices too as Kanban (or Scrum) alone is not enough.

    Actually I can’t recall any project management approach which says “when it comes to code, do whatever – this whole programming thing doesn’t really matter.

    So we’re back here again – a set of best software development practices is important. Yet, there is plenty of them, how to choose the right ones?

    You may choose a set of tools you believe are most valuable. However if you don’t have comfort of choosing toolbox first and then looking for people who are familiar with tools (or at least willing to learn how to wield them) you’re likely to fail.

    Every change is difficult and developers tend to be pretty stubborn. Yes, they will do this whole code review if they really have to, what a big deal anyway, but don’t expect to get decent results unless developers believe it is a valuable technique. They will hate it probably as much as filling data in time tracking app, which isn’t even close to what you wanted to achieve, right?

    And this brings me to another approach: let engineers choose which engineering practices they want to employ. Let them argue. Let them look for consensus. Help them in facilitating discussion if it’s necessary but don’t enforce any specific technique. Throw in a few ideas but if they don’t catch up don’t try to use your magic power: “I can force you to do so.” If you’re a team leader or (even worse) a manager it’s not you who will be doing this darn thing every single day for next couple of years so just shut up, OK?

    The best set of engineering practices is the one which will be adopted by engineers. And yes, this means it will be changing over time. The more mature the team is the more practices people are able to adopt.

    The same rule works in other areas too. Product management? Well, don’t you have a product owner or something? Let her decide. Testing procedures? Shouldn’t you agree to whatever your QA guys want?

    When it comes to discussion on standards a manager should take a step back and let a decision to be made by people who will be affected.

    There’s one trick here however. If you happen to work with inexperienced or just average people the consensus may be “let’s just hack some code instead of wasting time on this stuff, we’re Cowboy Coding Wizards and nothing can beat our code.” But then you have a bigger problem than deciding which of best practices your team would use. You better start to evangelize your team a bit or look for another job, whichever looks easier.

    There’s another trick too. What to do if you have hundreds or thousands of developers? Well, different toolboxes should emerge in different teams and it would be pretty stupid to try to standardize all of them.What if nothing emerges despite a multiple teams working on software development?” you may ask. Well, running away while screaming would be a pretty good option there I guess.

    You didn’t really expect to see here The Big List of the Best Engineering Practices Every Team Should Adopt, do you?

  • The Kanban Story: Kanban Boosters

    During my talk at AgileCE I mentioned three things as biggest Kanban boosters in our case:

    One of comments I heard about this part was: “Pawel, these things aren’t Kanban-related – they would work in any environment.

    Well, I’ve never said they’re exclusive for Kanban. My point is: Kanban is pretty simple approach – it really tells you to do just a few simple things leaving most of other aspects open. This means you may (and should) use some help from other techniques/practices which set additional constraints or organize other areas of your process. And boosters I mentioned work exactly this way.

    Co-location allows you to keep your Kanban process as simple as possible. You don’t need to use any software to visualize current state of the project – old-school, hardware whiteboard is enough. It also helps to exchange information between team members which is always important but with minimal formal information exchange in place it plays even more crucial role.

    No-meeting culture brings us “do it now” attitude and saves a lot of time usually wasted on meetings. And we discuss different things more often than we would otherwise because launching a discussion is totally easy: you just start talking.

    Best engineering practices help us to keep the code quality under control. That’s a thing which is basically omitted by Kanban itself so you need other tools to deal with it.

    Now, you can perfectly take your Scrum (or whatever kind of) team and use the same techniques and it would most likely work. Oh, it would as long as your team isn’t too big (co-location and no-meeting culture don’t scale up very well) and you don’t have a list of engineering practices enforced by your approach anyway (like in XP).

    So no, these concepts aren’t exclusive to Kanban. They just work in specific environments. Yours either fit or not. It doesn’t really matter if your process name starts with S or K or X or P or whichever letter sponsors your day.

    After all when I think about Kanban I don’t isolate the method from the rest of our environment – that would be stupid. If Kanban works for us it is because the whole setup is good enough, not just its Kanban part. And these boosters are a part of the story.

    Read the whole Kanban Story.

  • The Kanban Story: Kanban Alone Is Not Enough

    Recently I had a lot of occasions to discuss Kanban with other people, the coolest one being last meeting of Engineering Academy “Diamond Polishing” (for you who speaks Polish there’s video recording available online). One of things which I stressed during these discussions is that Kanban is not enough to manage a software project.

    I already shared practices we employ and those we don’t. But it is important and worth stressing: you can’t just base on three simple rules of Kanban (limit WIP, visualize workflow, measure lead time) alone. Without best engineering practices your product would suck even though you rigorously followed the rules. That’s not the problem of Kanban only – the same is with Scrum. Kanban is here just to help you to organize work better. If you do crappy job it’s still going to be crappy, just organized a bit better.

    What more, while heavy-weight methods enforce some order because of specifying scope of work up front, using formalized acceptance tests etc, Kanban leaves it all open. In other words doing Kanban wrong way you can do much worse than doing Prince2 wrong way.

    We set up a list of practices to avoid the problem. When I think what results we would achieve if we had no continuous build, no unit tests, no knowledge exchange in terms of learning other developers’ code and no coding standards I’m scared. We’d probably land in never-ending loop of dirty-fixing old dirty-fixes to old bugs just to get anything done.

    All these practices sound very natural now but, to give one example, I confess that’s my first successful approach to unit testing since I manage software development teams.

    So no, don’t treat Kanban as a silver bullet which fixes everything in a second. It’s just the part of the job. The rest isn’t enforced, but you have to figure out right pieces by yourself. Continuous integration and automatic testing are rather mandatory if you care about quality and want to ship often, but there is no universal way which works for everyone.

    Read the whole Kanban Story.

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