Tag: career planning

  • Scott Berkun on Consultants and Practitioners

    Continuing the discussion on differing perspectives of consultants and practitioners, I have asked Scott Berkun a few questions on the subject. I chose Scott because for the past few months he has been coping with both options: while publishing his next book – Mindfire: Big Ideas for curious Minds – he spent a year and a half having something like a regular job at WordPress.com.

    Not only was I curious about Scott’s views on the subject but also I think we can learn a lot from him, especially those of us who are considering coupling both roles. So here are a few gems of knowledge gleened from Scott.

    Scott, you’ve recently left Automattic where you worked for some time and it has triggered me to ask you a few questions about your spell there. The difference between insider versus outsider or practitioner versus consultant perspective is something that draws my interest for some time already. You’ve decided to try living both lives concurrently and it gives you a unique perspective on a subject.

    Reading your blog and your tweets over time, my impression is that your enthusiasm for having a regular job while pursuing your career as a writer and a consultant was diminishing. Was that only an impression or there is something more to it?

    The plan was always to stay at WordPress.com for about a year. It’s a great place to work and it was hard to leave. Any complaining I did was probably just to help convince myself I needed to leave, which was hard to do as I enjoyed it so much. I stayed there for 18 months, 6 months longer than I’d planned.

    What was the biggest challenge of having two so different careers at the same time?

    Having two careers sucks. I don’t recommend it. My success in writing depends on full commitment. I can write books because I have no excuses not to. I succeed by focus. It’s the primary thing I’m supposed to do. Having two jobs divided my energy and I don’t have the discipline needed to make up for the gap. It also changed my free time. I noticed immediately the amount of reading I did dropped dramatically. I used to read about a book every week or so. That dropped to a book every few months. Having two jobs meant my brain demanded idle time which came at the expense of reading. I felt like I was working all the time, which isn’t healthy for anyone.

    And what was your biggest lesson from this time?

    The next book is about my experience working at WordPress.com and what I learned will be well documented there. Professionally I learned creating culture is the most powerful thing a leader does, and WordPress.com has done that exceedingly well.

    Do you think that coupling consultancy and a regular job is doable in the long run?

    I don’t know why anyone would want to work that much in the same field, honestly. For anyone who thinks I’m good at managing teams, or writing books, a huge reason why is the other interests and experiences I’ve had in my life that have nothing to do with leadership or software or writing.

    Do you plan to get another job at some time in future again? Why?

    As long as I’m paid to speak to people who are leaders and managers, it’s wise for me to periodically go back to working in an organization where I’m leading and managing people. It forced me to test how much of my own advice I actually practice, and refreshed my memory on what the real challenges are. Any guru or expert who hasn’t done the thing they’re lecturing others about in years should have their credibility questioned. I figure once a decade or so it’s a necessary exercise for any guru with integrity.

    Why we should consider moving to (or staying in) a consultancy role?

    When I first quit to be on my own I did a lot of consulting. As soon as the books started doing well and I had more requests to speak, I did less and less of it. I do it rarely now. Consultancy can be liberating as you are called in to play a specific role on a short time frame. If you like playing that specific role and like change (since who you work with changes with each new project), consultancy can make you happy. It pays well if you are well known enough to find clients.

    Why we should consider moving to (or staying in) regular jobs?

    Consultants rarely have much impact. Advice is easy to ignore. Consulting can be frustrating and empty for the consultant, even if you are paid well. Anyone serious about ideas and making great things knows they have to have their own skin in the game to achieve a dream. You can’t do that from the consulting sidelines. In a regular job at least there is the pretense of ownership. Everyone should be an entrepreneur at least once in their life: you can only discover what you are capable of, or not, when you free yourself from the constraints of other people.

  • What Do You Want To Do In Two Years From Now?

    As a manager of 130-something people I often have these chats on what opportunities people have to grow within the organization. You know, with such crowd you can pretty safely assume that people do want to grow, to change their role, to get promoted. So they eventually land on a sofa in my office to discuss their future.

    On one hand these discussions are always challenging. I mean we’re discussing here one’s future. That’s a serious matter. On the other most of the time I find it easy to share a flurry of ideas on where someone could push their career.

    The context of organization is pretty much set – we know what we do, we roughly know how we do it and we definitely know how, in general, we want to improve it. And yet people often need a lot of guidance to show them what they can do in a couple years from now.

    One thing is people often constrain themselves to just the lowest hanging fruit. I’m a developer so the next step is senior developer. Then a tech lead and then a software development manager. Oh so creative. How about business analysis, project management, product management, quality assurance (yes, this one too) or what have you?

    While we are going beyond mental constraints, why not running a startup, consulting or freelancing?

    Or simply doing the same thing you do and rightshifting at the same time? Do you really need a new title on a business card to feel fulfilled? Maybe you just like what you already do and the fun comes when you shift toward improved effectiveness?

    One could say that having much power it’s easy to come up with different ideas but I do as I preach. I mean I consider myself a leader. My current team has, at the moment, 130ish people. The previous one had 4. Another 35. In each and every of them I was self-developing like crazy. In each role I could imagine myself in a year being in any of others as well as doing a bunch of different things. I didn’t feel constrained either by the current situation or by current organization. These things change very rapidly in IT.

    When you are asked a question what you want to do in two year time (and believe me, I ask this question a lot) it’s not a question about current options in your organization but it’s a challenge to your mental constraints.

    As simple as that. No one is going to offer you a project management position or their biggest software development division unless they’re convinced you will manage. You won’t convince them using your will solely. You need to know what it takes to do the job, understand different approaches and have a vision of your own path.

    My wild-ass guess is that you don’t know all that at the moment. That’s great. Because I’m not going to judge anyone on their current knowledge. I’m going to judge them on their potential and their urge to learn.

    With such attitude you render your mental constraints irrelevant and you don’t need to ask anyone about your options anymore. You know the answer.

  • Learning Project Management Basics

    A question about starting career in project management is heard pretty often. A question about value of different project management certifications usually follows.

    There is a bunch of standard answers for these questions. Apply for junior role in project management. Attend a course. Help your PM in her job. Get a certificate (this or another). Buy and read a stack of books on project management etc.

    I have another answer. Actually the answer isn’t exactly mine. I’ve ruthlessly stolen it from Scott Berkun.

    Go, run a project.

    “How? I mean I’m yet trying to get project management job, remember?”

    Pretty much everything which happens around you is a kind of project. If you invite a group of friend for a dinner it is a project. If that doesn’t sound like a real project think bigger. Maybe you can organize vacations for friends?

    “Yeah, and what do I learn from such a simple thing?”

    Don’t tell me it’s easy – I’m just finalizing sailing trip for 25 people. And, believe me, friends aren’t the best clients you can find around. It requires the same skills you’ll be using once you get your PM job to organize this kind of trip.

    “Maybe that’s a nice idea but I don’t have 25 friends.”

    That sucks, man. But you definitely have some non-profit organization which would appreciate some help in their projects. And they do have a lot of them. And they’d love your help they’d get for free (non-profit often means non-paying too).

    “But, you know, this whole non-profit stiff isn’t really something I’d like to work on.”

    Um, you think once you are a project manager you’ll be able to choose projects you like and reject those you don’t. I have a bad news for you. You won’t. You know life isn’t as nice as they told you.

    “OK, but how it helps me to learn project management?”

    You basically organize a group of people to do what you want. They come to a meeting point. They go to target place where they’re warmly welcomed by your hosts. People know when they can go watch latest World Cup match and when they should bring you a cold beer in exchange for organizing this great trip. Earlier everyone paid you their share of costs so you could have paid for your shelter.

    This isn’t much different from project management in real world. You make people doing what you want. They work on a project tasks of your choice. Everyone knows when they’re free to learn new technology and when they should focus of finishing before deadline. Earlier people agreed on plan of splitting tasks and build a schedule etc.

    “What about all the formal stuff? I don’t have to create technical specifications when I organize a trip for friends.”

    Oh, really? You don’t? That’s interesting… OK, just joking. All the formal stuff will differ among companies so it isn’t so important anyway. Of course you should know what WBS is and understand how to find critical path, but that’s not a rocket science.

    What more usually candidates for project management positions lack practical knowledge – lack of understanding of some technical terms isn’t so common.

    So go, find a project and run it. After all there aren’t many things which would match your friends thanking you for a great trip and asking whether you’re organizing it next year too. This single thing is worth the whole effort. The funny thing is it works similarly in projects you run at work.

    By the way, I’d use the same method to learn leadership.

  • Role of the First Job

    It’s been told a lot about managing your career. How to plan the career, how to get position you’d be happy with, how to push your way through the recruitment process, etc. You can find a lot of reading about the subject (personally I think Rowan Manahan has nice insights in that area), but I think we usually miss one thing here. We kick-off our careers and define our starting point usually quite unconsciously, when we start the first (longer) job. Of course the kick-off doesn’t limit our potential, but usually defines how painful it will be to achieve the final goal.

    The environment which gives you first professional lessons forms you as an employee. And I don’t mean company culture only – one thing is how the organization as a whole is set up but another, even more important, how your team looks like and what kind of persons are leaders. Well-managed, integrated, team with influential leader is a great kick-off to your career. And it really doesn’t matter what programming language you use or what kind of projects you work on. The most important things you learn aren’t technology specific – team work or accountability can be learnt anywhere, customer/user-centric mindset isn’t the thing which is exclusively available in IT only. And a new programming language or project management technique? You’ll learn it when you need it.

    When I think about my career I always come back to my very first team, where I learnt all those basics. I always considered the first professional environment as important but still when I’ve made a little analysis some time ago and results have surprised me a lot. I’ve taken people from my CDN XL team, where I’d grown up and listed what they’re doing now.

    • Our director now co-owns a company
    • Three of team manager owns or co-owns a company
    • One more is a VP
    • Three developers got director ranks
    • One more is a team manager now
    • Three consultants owns or co-owns a company
    • Another three of them are directors now
    • Three more became team managers
    • Four testers moved to more prestigious developer role
    • Two of them got their teams to manage

    Wow. I mean, really, wow. I’ve just counted about two third of the team back then, and it was just a few years ago. What more, I can think about almost no one who wouldn’t appreciate the role of being there when looking from the perspective of their careers. For majority of us that was the first job, for another group that was first job they stuck with for a longer time. Definitely most of us set up our professional standards during that time. I believe the team, the way it was organized and managed and the atmosphere were very important elements of mixture which brought us wherever we are today.

  • Long Career as a Developer

    Software development is a specific role. Acceptable quality is on much lower level than in different areas of our lives. The product is more virtual. New technologies are invited much faster. And people stick to the role for shorter period of time.

    The last thing isn’t typical for all positions in software business. For example there are many long-serving project mangers. By the way that makes much sense, because one of essentials for PM is experience. Although for developers experience is also one of key factors, which decide about quality of their work, long careers on that position are much less often. In the long run developers struggle to outgrow their role and escape to architecture, project management or running own business.

    While I don’t judge that attitude (I used to have the same back than when I was a developer) I think we’ll see more and more positions requiring 10+ years of experience in software development roles. On one hand complexity of systems increases, on the other software goes deeper and deeper into our lives. It’s hard to imagine a hospital without any software working somewhere inside. It’s hard to imagine a new car without at least a couple of processors. It’s hard to imagine a jet without all those cool-looking systems, powered by (what a surprise) thousands lines of code. And it’s so easy to imagine losing life in any of above places. Over the years it’s more and more about the software, its quality, performance, availability and reliability. And developers.

    Developers who make everyday code-level decisions basing on their best knowledge and experience. The more different solution they’ve co-created, the easier is to make the right choice. The fewer mistakes they’ve already made, the bigger is the chance to choose the wrong path. Sure, the team doesn’t have to be built from experienced developers only – it would be neither wise nor cost-effective choice – but leaving young wolves without experienced leader doesn’t guarantee you a success.

    Yes, I hear you talking about Bill Gates or Larry and Sergey, but they were wunderkinds. You don’t see many of those around and most likely you won’t find any in your team. If I was asked who would lead the new complex project when high availability, high performance and high reliability were on the top of the requirements list I’d look for an experienced developer. Someone who has already dealt with performance issues and optimized the code, not the one who doesn’t even know where the performance traps are. Someone who has already designed a couple of poor architectures, not the one who is yet to make those mistakes. Someone who has tried different technologies, not the one who is all hot about the coolest Ruby-on-Rails only. I’d look for that particular type which isn’t very popular among developers.

    That’s why I believe there is high demand on people who stick with development role for a longer period of time and it will grow over time. There will be more and more complex systems to be developed. Definitely that’s an idea to consider if you’re a developer and you’re planning your career.