Tag: values

  • Figuring Out Organizational Culture

    Some time ago, I had a lengthy exchange about how we work at Lunar Logic, which behaviors are OK and which are not. At one point in the discussion, I realized that the source of the different stances in the dispute was a very different perception of what organizational culture is.

    Organizational Culture

    When I’m referring to organizational culture in my presentations and writing, I typically use quotes from Wikipedia.

    “Organizational culture is the behavior of humans within an organization and the meaning that people attach to those behaviors.”

    “Culture includes the organization’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits.”

    Interestingly enough, over the years the exact phrasing of Wikipedia article on organizational culture has evolved so you won’t find identical words there anymore. Either way, the original quotes stand the test of the time.

    If you need a more concise definition, I could propose something like “a sum of behaviors of everyone in an organization, or a part of it, and the reasons behind these behaviors.”

    Even shorter: “how everyone in a group behaves and why.”

    Building Blocks

    From the perspective of a person who wants to learn an organization or to influence the culture shift, not all the building blocks are equal. It is near impossible to change people’s fundamental beliefs or core values. It is neither easy nor fast to alter subconsciousness. Habits, assumptions, and perceived systems often reside in the subconscious part of our thoughts.

    What’s more, all of the above, except for some habits, aren’t easy to spot. Ultimately no one has their core values tattoed on their forehead, and very rarely we are aware of these inner drivers of others’ behaviors. It’s no wonder. No one teaches us to pay attention to that.

    The most visible aspects of culture, and thus, the easiest to work with, are rules and norms, respectively. Rules, by definition, should be written down, so they are accessible to anyone interested. Norms are a bit trickier since they’re defined by what people believe is, or is not, appropriate. Either way, if one pays attention, it is not hard to derive organizational norms by merely observing what people do and what they do not.

    The Role of Observation

    Let’s assume that you’ve just joined a new company. You enter our office cantina and see me having a beer with my lunch. You realize that there was nothing about that in the rule book you read during the onboarding. However, a societal norm is that we don’t drink alcohol during work hours. How do you react? Most likely, you look at other people to probe their reactions. If they ignore my behavior altogether, it appears that it is OK for me to have a beer during lunch.

    Note: it’s too little to tell what the norm is yet. It’s a decent first step, though. You may still want to watch whether other people do the same thing or instead I am a special case, and I can do things others can’t. Oh, and it may be relevant whether a beer was a regular or non-alcoholic one.

    Either way, eventually, you have a good sense of whether you (or anyone else) can safely have a beer for lunch. You will derive that knowledge by merely observing and absorbing the environment around you.

    Observation is indispensable too in the context of rules. Something can be written down as a rule and still get ignored. We could tweak the story above so that there is a rule, e.g., in the employment contract, that explicitly states that drinking alcohol at work is forbidden. This way we’d have a situation when a norm (having a beer with lunch is fine) contradicts a rule (it is prohibited).

    The outcome would be the same altogether. The norms trump the rules. Without observation, it is neither possible to figure out the norms nor to learn which rules are there in the name only and which are the law.

    Figuring Out Organizational Culture

    If one aims to understand the organizational culture of a company they just joined, there is no real shortcut that would be an equivalent of prolonged observation. Some tricks may hasten the process, of course. Not too much, however. You can’t learn the organizational culture in several weeks. At best you can familiarize some parts, but it would be far from a complete picture.

    Again, let’s imagine that you’ve just got hired. You joined a team of five, which is a part of a division of 40-something, and the whole company is around 200 people. Figuring out how to safely operate and behave in the closest neighborhood — your atomic team — should be a straightforward process. You’ll get plenty of opportunities to observe, and feedback loops will be short. You’ll have validation paths readily available through the means of chatting with your team lead and your peers.

    This way, you would explore, however, only one small area on a big map of organizational culture. Yes, it is by far the most important for your everyday work, but hardly enough for a complete understanding of how to act in all situations, including some that may get you fired.

    There are interactions within your division, both cross-team and division-wide. There are all sorts of rules and norms that apply to a company as a whole, or specific ranks, or even particular people. Discovering all these uncharted areas takes time.

    The Tricks

    There are a few tricks that can speed the exploration a bit. By no means, they are a substitute for awareness and observation, but they help.

    The higher up in the hierarchy someone is, the bigger their influence over the culture. To get a roughly accurate, even if a vastly incomplete and imprecise, image of the organizational culture, you could shadow the company’s CEO for some time. Since the behaviors of higher ranks often get copied at lower levels, a sneak peek at the very top of the hierarchy gives you a potentially most statistically significant representation of the culture.

    Ignore officially expressed company values, its vision, or a mission statement. It is such a rare case that a company indeed follows an aspiration expressed in either of them that they most usually are a source of noise, not signal. Look at the actual behaviors, not aspirational statements.

    Seek conflicts and watch how they get resolved. Controversial situations require parties to take a stand, and thus, they trigger action. On such occasions, it is easy to see who calls the shots and whose opinions count. The friction that is an integral part of any conflict is a natural fuel for shaping and reshaping norms, challenging rules, and expressing less visible drivers of the culture: values, beliefs, and assumptions.

    Ultimately, though, there’s no better trick than patience and perceptiveness.

    Crucial Role of Understanding Culture

    OK, but why is understanding the organizational culture so important? Unless we have a good grasp of it, we are bound to either traveling only through well-beaten paths or risking frustration.

    Well-beaten paths are safe. It’s easy to follow what everyone else is doing. It means, however, that our influence on the organization would be limited to the face value of our everyday contributions. We wouldn’t be challenging or changing our team and our company. Typically, that’s perfectly fine, even expected, during an initial period at any organization. Later on, not necessarily so. At least not in a firm that hopes to use the potential of its people.

    The other scenario is quickly jumping to the acting mode, challenging rules, status quo, opinions, behaviors; it’s a departure from a beaten path. The problem is when such a departure happens in uncharted territory. There are things which are appropriate and those that are not. There are norms, beliefs, assumptions, and values. Blindly flailing around means that we would inevitably violate these informal constraints.

    This way we will, of course, uncover the part of the uncharted territory, but the price is high. One part of it is frustration: “Oh, we don’t do such things here; I wasn’t aware.” The other part is reputation. Opposing or challenging things with little effort to understand them first doesn’t score much respect. There is a world of difference between being a contrarian who understands the culture and one who doesn’t.

    If we aspire to influence organizational culture eventually, learning it first is a crucial and obligatory prerequisite.

  • Cultural Fit versus Cultural Fit

    There is a remark on hiring I’ve heard quite a few times recently. It’s about sending a rejection message to a candidate. It goes along the lines: “Just don’t tell them that they’re not a good fit for the culture. That’s bullshit. That means nothing.”

    A Bad Fit

    I can’t say that such a remark lands well with me. I do, however, understand where it is coming from. As the industry, we started paying attention to the culture. It’s on our radars. We may have only a vague understanding of what organizational culture is but it is already a part of the discourse. This vagueness of understanding of the concept actually comes handy when there’s no tangible reason to reject a candidate but we still somehow didn’t like them.

    They are a bad cultural fit.

    Whatever that means.

    See, the problem I have with many of these statements is that they’re used as a bludgeon without much thought invested to why “we didn’t like” a candidate. Because of that we often throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    A Good Fit versus Likability

    When hearing about lack of cultural fit I often follow up ask what it means that a candidate wasn’t a good cultural match. The answer, most often, is something like “that’s a person we wouldn’t get on well with”, or “that’s not a person I’d like to hang out with”, or “it’s not my kind of a person”. These boil down to how likable a candidate is for an assessing person.

    The problem is that likability is a terrible way of assessing cultural fit. Not only is it not helpful, but it is also counterproductive.

    If we chose likability as our guiding principle to judge cultural match we would end up with a group of people similar to each other. They’d have similar interests, many shared views and beliefs, etc. We would be building a very homogeneous culture. An echo chamber.

    Sure, there wouldn’t be much conflict in such a group. There wouldn’t be much creative thinking either. There would be premature convergence of the ideas, little scrutiny, few alternative options would be explored.

    If we consider knowledge workers such a team would have appalling performance. Thus my problem with such a shallow understanding of cultural fit.

    Shared Values, Diverse Perspectives

    So what is an alternative? How to define cultural fit in a way that would yield a high performing team? General guidance would be to optimize for representation of different, diverse points of view while creating an environment where people are encouraged to contribute.

    These two ingredients—diversity and enabling environment—balance each other in a way.

    We want diversity to have an option to learn about other, non-obvious ideas. Such ideas won’t come from people similar to ourselves. We thus want to have a range of different people in a team. And when I say “different”, I think of different walks of life, different experiences, different beliefs, different preferences, different characters, etc. This might be translated to maximizing diversity.

    However, diversity for the diversity sake is not the way to go. This is exactly where the second part kicks in. We want to sustain an environment where people share their diverse opinions, and not simply have them. For that to happen we need to have a common base that encourages people to feel comfortable enough to contribute.

    That common base is a set of shared values. I won’t give you a list as I don’t believe there’s the way. There are many ways to build such an enabling environment. There are, of course, usual suspects: respect for people, emotional safety, or autonomy, just to mention few. The important part is that such a set of shared values provides an informal, and typically implicit, contract that makes it safe to contribute.

    Cultural Fit

    With that founding principle, the definition of a cultural fit would be very different. A good match would mean that we share core values but beyond that, a candidate is as different from current team members as possible.

    This means that friction will happen. Conflict too. Not everyone will feel comfortable all the time and not everyone will be getting on well with everyone else.

    This means that when we decide there isn’t a good fit we may come up with a much more tangible explanation why. It is because we don’t share values—e.g. we perceive a candidate as disrespectful—or we don’t sense any aspect in which a candidate would stretch diversity of the team in one of the desired dimensions.

    Note: not all dimensions of diversity are equal. There’s little, if any, value in my experience as a sailor in the context of product development. There’s more value in, say, cognitive studies that someone else went through. That’s why I add a quantifier “in the desired dimension” next to “diversity”.

    Some time ago at Lunar Logic, we rejected a candidate for a software developer role whose focus was purely on their technical skills. There’s nothing wrong in that of course unless this is the only dimension a candidate uses to look at themselves and at others. There was some mismatch in shared values, e.g. little understanding and appreciation for teamwork and collaboration. We didn’t see much diversity that they would add to the mix either—we already have quite a bunch of excellent developers.

    Interestingly, the decision was made despite the fact that we liked the candidate and were getting on well with them. That’s a complete opposite of what a naive approach to cultural fit would suggest us to do.

    We believe that we are better off with that decision. More importantly, we believe that the candidate will be better off too. As long as they find a company where there’s a better overlap in shared values not will they contribute more but will also be appreciated better.

  • The Fallacy of Shu-Ha-Ri

    Shu-Ha-Ri is frequently used as a good model that shows how we adopt new skills. The general idea is pretty simple. First, we just follow the rules. We don’t ask how the thing works, we just do the basic training. That’s Shu level.

    Then we move to understanding what we are doing. Instead of simply following the rules we try to grasp why the stuff we’re doing works and why the bigger whole was structured the way it was. We still follow the rules though. That’s Ha level.

    Finally, we get fluent with what we do and we also have deep understanding of it. We are ready to break the rules. Well, not for the sake of breaking them of course. We are, however, ready to interpret a lot of things and use our own judgement. It will sometimes tell us to go beyond the existing set constraints. And that’s Ri level.

    I’ve heard that model being used often to advise people initially going with “by the book” approach. Here’s Scrum, Kanban or whatever. And here’s a book that ultimately tells you what to do. Just do it the way it tells you, OK?

    Remember, you start at Shu and only later you’d be fluent enough to make your own tweaks.

    OK, I do understand the rationale behind such attitude. I’ve seen enough teams that do cherry picking without really trying to understand the thing. Why all the parts were in the mechanism in the first place. What was the goal of introducing the method in the first place. On such occasions someone may want to go like “just do the whole damn thing the way the book tells you.”

    It doesn’t solve a problem though.

    In fact, the problem here is lack of understanding of a method or a practice a team is trying to adopt.

    We don’t solve that problem by pushing solutions through people’s throats. The best we can do is to help them understand the method or the practice in a broader context.

    It won’t happen on Shu level. It is actually the main goal of Ha level.

    I would go as far to argue that, in our context, starting on a Shu level may simply be a waste of time. Shu-Ha-Ri model assumes that we are learning the right thing. This sounds dangerously close to stating that we can assume that a chosen method would definitely solve our problems. Note: we make such an assumption without really understanding the method. Isn’t it inconsistent?

    Normally, the opposite is true. We need to understand a method to be able to even assess whether it is relevant in any given context. I think here of rather deep understanding. It doesn’t mean going through practices only. It means figuring out what principles are behind and, most importantly, which values need to be embraced to make the practices work.

    Stephen Parry often says that processing the waste more effectively is cheaper, neater, faster waste. It is true for work items we build. It is true also for changes we introduce to the organization. A simple fact that we become more and more proficient with a specific practice or a method doesn’t automatically mean that the bottom line improves in any way.

    That’s why Shu-Ha-Ri is misguiding. We need to start with understanding. Otherwise we are likely to end up with yet another cargo cult. We’d be simply copying practices because others do that. We’d be doing that even if they aren’t aligned with principles and values that our organization operates by.

    We need to start at least on Ha level. Interestingly enough, it means that the whole Shu level is pretty much irrelevant. Given that there is understanding, people will fill the gaps in basic skills this way or the other.

    What many people point is how prevalent Shu-Ha-Ri is in all sorts of areas: martial arts, cooking, etc. I’m not trying to say it is not applicable in all these contexts. We are in a different situation though. My point is that we haven’t decided that Karate is the way to go or we want to become a perfect sushi master. If the method was defined than I would unlikely object. But it isn’t.

    Are there teams that can say that Scrum (or whatever else) is their thing before they really understand the deeper context? If there are then they can perfectly go through Shu-Ha-Ri and it will work great. I just don’t seem to meet such teams and organizations.

  • Practices, Principles, Values

    I was never a fan of recipes. Even less so when I heard that I have to apply them by the book. What I found over years was that books rarely, if ever, describe a context that is close enough to mine. This means that specific solutions wouldn’t be applicable in the same way as described in the original source.

    This is why I typically look for more abstracted knowledge and treat more context-dependent advice as rather inspiration that a real advice.

    From what I see that’s not a common attitude. I am surprised how frequently at conferences I would hear an argument that the sessions weren’t practical enough only because there was no recipe included. This is only a symptom though.

    A root cause for that is more general way of thinking and approaching problems. Something that we see over and over again when we’re looking at all sorts of transformations and change programs.

    People copy the most visible, obvious, and frequently least important practices.

    Jeffrey Pfeffer & Robert Sutton

    Our bias toward practices is there not without a reason. After all, we’ve heard success stories. What Toyota were doing to take over the lead in automotive industry. The early successes of companies adopting Agile methods. There were plenty of recipes in the stories. After all that’s what we first see when we are looking at the organizations.


    The tricky part is that practices, techniques, tools and methods are just a tip of the iceberg. On one hand this is exactly what we see when we look at the sea. On the other there’s this ten times bigger part that is below the waterline. The underwater part is there and it is exactly what keep the tip above the water.

    In other words if we took just the visible tip of the iceberg and put it back to water the result wouldn’t be nearly as impressive.

    Practices, Principles, Values

    This metaphor is very relevant to how organizational changes happen. The thing we keep hearing about in experience reports and success stories is just a small part of the whole context. Unless we understand what’s hidden below the waterline copying the visible part doesn’t make any sense.


    A thing beyond any practice is a principle. If we are talking about visualization we are implicitly talking about providing transparency and improving understanding of work too. Providing transparency is not a practice. It is a principle that can be embodied by a whole lot of practices.

    The interesting part is that there are principles behind practices but there are also principles that are embraced by an organization. If these two sets aren’t aligned applying a specific practice won’t work.

    Let me illustrate that with a story. There was a team of software architects in a company where Kanban was being rolled out across multiple teams. In that specific team there was a huge resistance even at the earliest stages, which is simply visualizing work.

    What was happening under the hood was that transparency provided by visualization was a threat for people working on the team. They were simply accomplishing very little. Most of the time they would spend time on meetings, discussions, etc. Transparency was a threat for their sense of safety, thus the resistance.

    Without understanding a deeper context though one would wonder what the heck was happening and why a method wouldn’t yield similar results as in another environment.


    The part that goes even deeper are values. When talking about values there’s one thing that typically comes to mind, which is all sorts of visions and mission statements, etc. This is where we will find values a company cares about. To be more precise: what an organization claims to care about.

    The problem with these is that very commonly there is a huge authenticity gap between the pretense and everyday behaviors of leaders and people in an organization.

    One value that would be mentioned pretty much universally is quality. Every single organization cares about high quality, right? Well, so they say, at least.

    A good question is what values are expressed by everyday behaviors. If a developer hears that there’s no time to write unit tests and they’re supposed to build ore features or no one really cares whether a build is green or red, what does that tell you about real values of a company?

    In fact, the pretense almost doesn’t matter at all. It plays its role only to build up frustration of people who see inauthenticity of the message. The values that matter would be those illustrated by behaviors. In many cases we would realize that it would mean utilization optimization, disrespecting people, lack of transparency, etc.

    Again, this is important because we can find values behind practices. If we take Kanban as an example we can use Mike Burrows’ take on Kanban values. Now, an interesting question would be how these values are aligned with values embraced by an organization.

    If they are not the impact of introducing the method would either be very limited, or non-existent or even negative. This is true for any method or practice out there.


    The bottom line of that is we need to be mindful in applying practices, tools and methods. It goes really far as not only does it mean initial deep understanding of the tools we use but also understanding of our own organization.

    This is against “fake it till you make it” attitude that I frequently see. In fact, in a specific context “making it” may not even be possible and without understanding the lower part of the iceberg we won’t be able to figure out what’s going wrong and why our efforts are futile.

    Paying attention to principles and values also enables learning. Without that we will simply copy the same tools we already know, no matter how applicable they are in a specific context. This is by the way what many agile coaches do.

    Mindful use of practice leads to learning; mindless use of practice leads to cargo cult.

  • Kanban: The Culture Challenge

    My focus for past months drifted a bit away from the core of Kanban. I either focused on more enterprisey applications of Kanban in the context of portfolio management or on what’s blood of every company, which is organizational culture. Every year though I use Kanban Leadership Retreat as a perfect occasion to reset my focus a bit. It wasn’t different this year.

    Those of you familiar with the method please forgive some of the basics in the post.

    The classic definition of Kanban Method is as follows.


    • Start with what you do now
    • Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change
    • Initially, respect current roles, responsibilities and job titles
    • Encourage acts of leadership at all levels


    • Visualize
    • Limit Work in Progress
    • Manage flow
    • Make policies explicit
    • Implement feedback loops
    • Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally

    A side note: a super-common observation is that teams would understand and know the practices but would be almost completely ignorant of the principles. This is a pattern that leads to very shallow implementations that don’t yield sustainable improvements and typically stop at just better work management.

    Another perspective we may use to define Kanban is through its values. The approach was proposed by Mike Burrows. What Mike achieved was translating the original principles and practices to more generic values.

    The end result is a following list.

    Kanban Values

    • Understanding
    • Agreement
    • Respect
    • Leadership
    • Flow
    • Customer Focus
    • Transparency
    • Balance
    • Collaboration

    Since the values originated in the principles and practices there’s also an interesting exercise you can do to map one to the other.

    The important part of this perspective of looking at Kanban is that it describes what values should be embraced by an organization so that Kanban implementation will have deep and lasting impact. In other words if an organization doesn’t embrace for example transparency or respect I would expect resistance during the implementation, rather ephemeral improvements and very limited sustainability.

    Now, let me share yet another perspective of describing Kanban, which is Kanban agendas. Just to tease you there are three agendas: sustainability, service orientation and survivability. One nice thing is that the agendas nicely fit the values. Each of the agendas covers a few values.


    • Transparency
    • Balance
    • Collaboration

    Service orientation

    • Customer focus
    • Flow
    • Leadership


    • Understanding
    • Agreement
    • Respect

    Now we have a frame for further discussion (and some of Kanban 101 in a pill too).

    Why I would bring this up, you may ask. One session that I attended at Kanban Leadership Retreat was about reintroducing an idea of maturity of Kanban implementations in the context of values. The workshop and the exercise we run there is a topic for another story. The important bit in this context is that Mike, who unsurprisingly run the session, decided to put Understanding, Agreement and Respect aside for the purpose of the exercise.

    We may look at it from at least a couple angles. We may say that Understanding, Agreement and Respect, since they all were derived from principles and not practices are much more difficult to assess than the rest.

    We may point that they are some sort of prerequisites for starting with the whole rest and thus we base on an assumption that these values are already in place.

    Both of these points of view are, in fact, valid. I see a big problem here though.

    First, this is a bit like saying that Understanding, Agreement and Respect are second-class citizens in this picture. The whole focus goes to the other six values. Now, let me remind one thing. The second-class values are derived from principles not practices. In other words it means petrifying the situation we have, where we discuss practices all the time and principles are relatively ignored.

    Second, Understanding, Agreement and Respect all belong to survivability agenda, which puts that very agenda at risk. What does it mean?

    If we get service orientation right this translates to doing things right and doing the right thing (at least as far as Kanban covers that part). If we get sustainability right it means that the evolutionary change is feasible. The problem is that without survivability it simply won’t last. We’ll see a pattern that is pretty common across Agile and Lean adoptions. Promising results and early success that is followed by systematic reversal of the change.

    Third, there’s one of my recent pet peeves, which is organizational culture. Obviously the culture relates to all the values by definition. However, Understanding, Agreement and Respect summarize the most common missing bits of culture. Also, these bits are least related to specific solutions we have in our toolboxes which means it is much more difficult to influence the change in these areas than it is in the rest.

    Finally, the assumption that we have Understanding, Agreement and Respect in place before we start with Kanban is simply not true in my experience. We wish it was, but that’s not what I see. Sorry. It is a common case with pretty much any method that reaches a specific level of maturity by the way.

    It all boils down to the challenge I teased in the title of the post. The challenge is to think about methods that aim to change or improve how we work from a perspective of organizational culture. A starting point would be answering a few questions.

    • Do we understand the existing culture of an organization?
    • Is the existing organizational culture well-suited to support the change we want to introduce?
    • Which elements (behaviors, values, beliefs) of the culture are missing?
    • How can we influence the culture so that it evolves toward the expected state?

    Before we can answer these questions in a meaningful way introducing a major change is simply gambling. And the odds are against us. Bad news is that in majority of cases the answer for the very first question would be negative and the further we get the sadder the answers would be.

    A good thing is that, at least as long as it comes to Kanban, we advance our thinking toward better understanding of what it takes to make the change survive. It should help to shift the perception of Kanban from a simple, light-weight tool that can help you with organizing work in one’s team toward deep and sophisticated model that requires understanding of quite a lot of related concepts.

    A word of warning: don’t expect the end results of the latter if you treat Kanban as a former.