Tag: WIP

  • Don’t Limit Work in Progress

    I’m a long-time fan of visual management. Visualizing work helps to gather low-hanging fruits: it makes the biggest obstacles instantly visible and thus helps to facilitate the improvements. By the way, these early improvements are typically fairly easy to apply and have big impact. That’s why we almost universally propose visualization as a practice to start with.

    At the same time a real game-changer in the long run is when we start limiting work in progress (WIP). That’s where we influence the change of behaviors. That’s where we introduce slack time. That’s where we see emergent behaviors. That’s where we enable continuous improvements.

    What’s frequently reported though, is that introducing WIP limits is hard for many teams. There’s resistance against the mechanism. It is perceived as a coercive practice by some. Many managers find it really hard to go beyond the paradigm of optimizing utilization. People naturally tend to do what they’ve always been doing: just pull more work.

    How do we address that challenge? For quite some time the best idea I’ve got was to try it as an experiment with a team. Ultimately there needs to be team buy-in to make WIP limits work. If there is resistance against a specific practice, e.g. WIP limits, there’s not much point in enforcing it. It won’t work. However, why not give it a try for some time? There doesn’t have to be any commitment to go on after the trial.

    The thing is that it usually feels better to have less work in progress. There’s not that much of multitasking and context switching. Cycle times go down so there’s more of sense of accomplishment. The pressure on the team often goes down as well.

    There’s also one thing that can show that the team is actually doing much better. It’s enough to measure start and end dates for work items. It will allow to figure out both cycle times (how much time it takes to finish a work item) and throughput (how many work items are finished in a given time window).

    If we look at Little’s Law, or rather its adoption in Kanban context, we’ll see that:

    Little's Law

    It means that if we want to get shorter cycle time, a.k.a. quicker delivery and shorter feedback loops, we need either to improve throughput (which is often difficult) or cut work in progress (which is much easier).

    We are then in a situation where we understand that limiting WIP is a good idea and yet realize that introducing such a practice is not easy. Is there another way?

    One strategy that worked for me very well over years was to change the discussion around WIP limits altogether. What do we expect when WIP limits are in place? Well, we want people to pull less work and instead to focus on finishing items rather than starting them.

    So how about focusing on these outcomes? It’s fairly simple. It’s enough to write a simple guidance. Whenever you finished work on an item first check whether there are any blockers. If there are attempt to solve them. If there aren’t any look at any unassigned items starting from the part of the board that’s closest to the done column (typically the rightmost part of the board). Then gradually go toward the beginning of value stream. Start a new item only when there’s literally nothing you can do with ongoing items.

    Kanban Board

    If we took a developer as an example the process might look like this. Once they finish coding a new work item they look at the board. There is one blocked item. It just so happens that the blocker is waiting for a response from a client. A brief chat in the team may reveal that there’s no point in pestering the client for feedback on the ticket for now. At the same time it may be a good time to remind the client about the blocker.

    Then the developer would go through the board starting at the point closest to the doneness. If the process in place was something like: development, code review, testing and acceptance by the client, the first place would be acceptance. Are there any work items where the client shared feedback, i.e. we need to implement some changes? If so that’s the next task to focus on. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the developer was the author of the ticket but if there are any tickets that used to be his it may be input for prioritizing.

    If there’s nothing to act upon in acceptance, then we have testing. Are there any bugs from internal testing than need to be fixed? Are there any tickets that wait for testing that the developer can take care of? Of course we have a century-old discussion about developers not willing to do the actual testing. I would however point that fixing bugs for the fellow developers is equally valuable activity.

    If there’s nothing in testing that can be taken care of then we move to code review and take care of anything that’s waiting for code review or implement feedback from code review that’s been done already.

    Then we move to development and try to figure out whether the developer can help with any ongoing work item. Can we pair with other team members? Or maybe there are obstacles where another pair of eyes may be useful?

    Only after going through all the steps the developer moves to the backlog and pulls a new ticket.

    The interesting observation is that in vast majority of cases there will be something to take care of. Just try to imagine a situation where there’s literally nothing that’s blocked, requires fixing or improvements and nothing that’s in waiting queue. If we face such a situation we likely don’t need to limit work in progress any further.

    And that’s the whole trick. Instead of introducing an artificial mechanism that yields specific outcomes we can focus on these outcomes. If we can guide the team to adopt simple guidance for choosing tasks we effectively made them limit work in progress and likely with much less resistance.

    Now does it matter that we don’t have explicit WIP limits? No, not really. Does it matter that the actual limits may fluctuate a bit more than in a case when the process has hard limits? Not much. Do we see actual improvements? Huge.

    So here’s an idea. Don’t focus on practices. Focus on understanding and outcomes. It may yield similarly good or better results and with a fraction of resistance.

  • Portfolio Management: Stop Starting, Start Finishing

    Whenever I end up discussing project portfolios with people representing or knowing specific organizations out of curiosity I ask a couple of questions. How many projects? How many people running those projects?

    Note, most of the time I don’t ask these questions in the context of completely random organizations. The most common case would be asking people who are a part of Agile and Lean community. People who understand the concept of limiting work in progress and its implications.

    Disturbing news is that, even among the most mindful people, the answers I would get are pretty much shocking.

    Kanban Leadership Retreat is an occasion to meet people advancing thinking for a community that painted limiting work in progress prominently on their banners. One would expect that these people, if not anyone else, would be ahead of the rest of the crowd in addressing the issue of too many concurrent projects.

    Well, maybe we are. At the same time the ratio of a number of projects run by an organization to a number of people who work on those projects reported at the last Kanban Leadership Retreat in Cascais is terrifying.

    1.0, 2.1, 4.5 and 6.0. Let me rephrase what this number is. This is how many projects per person an organization runs on average. In fact, it does mean that some people are in a situation that is much worse than that.

    I didn’t gather that data in any consistent manner. I just asked my question any time the context would pop up in a discussion. It isn’t by any means proper research. It shows, however, a very interesting trend. The best result is a project per person, and we are talking here about an organization with a hundred engineers in this case. Few of those projects, if any, require attention of a single person only.

    From that point though we go downhill. I can’t imagine any situation where a single person runs concurrently a few projects and they are at least a tiny bit effective. This means heavy multitasking for those initiatives that get any progress and lots of others where progress is nil. Effectively, they are parked even if management believes that they are active.

    Let me repeat. It wasn’t reported by a random community. It is the community that calls their user group meetings Limited WIP Society. Not Visualization Society or Flow Society. Limited WIP Society. We do care. We do pay attention. Yet still, we do suck at that. Big time.

    Larry Maccherone in his talk at Lean Kanban North America reported that teams that work on a single project are significantly better in terms of defect density. We can use that as a proxy for quality of work. It’s not anecdotal evidence. Larry bases his research on raw data from almost ten thousand agile teams.

    By the way, Larry also reported that team size of 5-9 people is by far the most popular one. In other words, ideally, we should be looking as projects to people ratio of 0.2 and below. Of course it is contextual and shouldn’t be treated as the true north. In organizations that typically run tiny projects that require attention of 2-3 people such ratio may be unachievable. At the same time we do have companies that typically run huge initiatives that involve dozens of people.

    In either case anything above 1 is obviously crazy. In fact 1 is crazy already.

    We can’t make this possibly work.

    The easiest way out is obviously reviewing the portfolio and putting on hold or abandoning a big chunk of ongoing initiatives. This would mean that the active remainder would get more, hopefully enough, attention so that these projects can be completed in reasonable time.

    Sad truth is that I know such an expectation is unrealistic.

    If we understand that potential projects are options that we can execute and once we decide to start them it means commitment we should also understand the consequences. Commitment means that there’s a price to be paid for abandoning an initiative. What’s more that cost isn’t easy to assess. How much would reputation of a company suffer for letting a client down? How much bad word of mouth would be triggered?

    Another way is to go with the theme of Lean Kanban Central Europe conferences: stop starting, start finishing.

    In other words make it hard to start new stuff. Discuss the cost and risks attached to adding one more thing to your plate. I don’t expect an explicit WIP limit. On portfolio level it is rarely a feasible option anyway. The strategy that you can use is WIP limits by conversation.

    There’s not much guidance needed to shift these conversations to a broader context that is frequently ignored. It’s not only how much a new project would cost and how much we are going to get in revenues. It is also about available capabilities: can we staff a project appropriately for its whole lifecycle? What is the cost of delaying the project? What risks are we going to introduce by starting a new initiative both to that initiative and to all ongoing ones? And what is ultimately value of completing the project?

    The value question goes way beyond simple financial outcome. In fact, it is a very deep discussion as one needs to understand the goals of an organization. Otherwise discussion about value is pretty much irrelevant. Also discussion about value doesn’t happen in isolation. Remember how hard it was to let down current clients breaking our commitments to them? Well, that’s clearly negative value for the company. If that’s the cost you pay you better have a damn good reason to do so.

    I do admit that WIP limits by conversation is a concept that seems vague and fuzzy. However, given that people understand what is effect of too much of work in progress I find it a surprisingly powerful tool. It simply shift the focus of a discussion and thus influences how decision making process looks like. It is like a facilitation tool that helps us to use knowledge that we already have.

    Then we stop starting and start finishing.

    If we do that in a continuous manner we evolve toward more effective way of working. Not only does it mean fewer emergencies or better reliability but also choosing the right initiatives to run. It would be a nice situation to be in, wouldn’t it?

  • Limit Work in Progress Early

    We’ve just started another project. One of things we’ve set up at the very beginning was a Kanban board. It wouldn’t be a real Kanban board if we haven’t had work in progress limits. There are two common approaches I see out there in terms of setting WIP limits.

    One is to work for some time without WIP limits just to see how things go, get some metrics and get a decent idea what work in progress limits are suitable in the context.

    The other approach is to start with pretty much anything that makes sense, like one task per person plus one additional to have some flexibility.

    Personally, I like the latter approach. First, no matter which approach you choose your WIP limits are bound to change. There’s no freaking chance that you get all the limits right in the first approach. And even if you did the situation would change and so should the WIP limits.

    Second, you can get much value thanks to limiting work in progress early even if the limits are set in a quick and dirty mode. In fact, this is exactly why I’m biased toward this approach.

    In our case one last stage before “done” has been approval. We’ve had an internal client (me), thus we haven’t expected any issues with this part. We weren’t far into the project when first tasks started stacking up as ready to approval.

    As I initiated the discussion about us hitting the limit in testing (the stage just before approval) I was quickly rebutted “maybe you, dear client, do your goddamn job and approve the work that is already done, so we can continue with our stuff.” Ouch. That hurt. Yet I couldn’t ask for a better reaction.

    Lucky me, I asked about staging environment where I could verify all the stuff that we’ve built. And you know what? There was none. Somehow we just forgot about that. So I eagerly attached blockers to all the tasks that were waiting for me and the team could focus on setting up the staging environment instead of building more stuff.

    An interesting twist in this story is that setting up the staging has proven to be way trickier than we thought and we found out a couple of flaws in the way we managed our demo servers. The improvements we’ve done in our infrastructure go way beyond the scope of the project.

    There are two lessons here. One is that implementing WIP limits is a great knowledge discovery tool that works even if the limits aren’t yet right. Well-tuned WIP limits are awesome as they enable slack time generation, but even if you aren’t there yet, any reasonable limits should help you to discover any major problems with your process.

    There’s another thing too. It’s about task sizing. In general the smaller the tasks are the more liquid the flow is and higher liquidity means that you discover problems faster. If it took a couple of weeks to complete first tasks we’d find out problem only after that time. With small tasks it took a couple of days.

    So if you’re considering whether to start with limiting work in progress on a day 1 of a new project, consider this post as an encouragement to do so. Also you may want to size first few tasks small and make sure that they go throughout the whole process so you quickly have a test run. Treat it as a way of testing completeness of the process.

  • WIP Limits by Conversation

    The biggest challenge when applying Kanban on portfolio level is how to introduce WIP limits. Kanban without limiting work in progress will always be shallow. In fact, many would argue (me included) that it is not Kanban at all.

    The problem is that typical methods we use to limit work in progress on a portfolio level simply don’t work. Well, of course you can try to limit the number of concurrent projects, but if you’re like a vast majority of companies your projects will vary in their size very, very much. I find 1:200 difference in size between the smallest and the biggest project run by an organization pretty common.

    If we wanted to translate this to work we do on a team level we would be talking about having tasks that we finish in anything between half a day and half a year.

    It means that you could substitute one of your big ongoing projects with a dozen concurrent small ones and that’s still fine. Except that using a number of projects as a WIP limit doesn’t seem like a good idea anymore.

    Limiting work in progress in such an environment has to be contextual. One has to take into consideration size and length of projects, dependencies between them, etc. A different WIP limits will be applicable when portfolio is dominated by medium-to-big endeavors and different will make sense when you’re coping mainly with small projects. In short, to say anything more about sensible WIP limits we have to know the context.

    If we discuss the current context, everything that is happening right now, estimated effort needed to complete the new project, available and required capabilities and any other potential projects we can likely say whether we should or should not start the project. This is basically the core of idea called WIP limits by conversation (I credit Klaus Leopold who I learn the term from). With each new project in a backlog we discuss to say whether it fits the implicit WIP limits or not.

    It may sound like it’s a lot of work but it isn’t. The most difficult discussions will be around relatively big projects but then, you don’t start such projects every other week, do you? Discussions about small projects may be more frequent but they will be way easier to decide on too. And they won’t be happening so very often either.

    A tool that is very handy to support WIP limits by conversation is good visualization. Unless everyone involved has a general idea which teams work on what, what capabilities free teams can offer, what are other commitments, etc. the discussion will be basing on gut feelings. And a gut feel of most CEOs is that the company will cope with every single project… somehow. This is how you end up having 30 people involved in 100+ projects. Not the most effective way of working, right?

    I am perfectly aware that the approach seems to be vague, but the general rule is that the more variable the work is the less explicit WIP limits can be.

    WIP limits by conversation may also seem fragile. If there is a person who pushes more and more projects into the system lack of explicit rules for limiting work in progress may seem like a weakness. Not necessarily so. Usually visualization is enough to show risks attached to a project that doesn’t fit available capabilities. After all, no wants to start a project that is doomed for failure and will hurt the organization’s reputation.

    Of course the conclusion of discussion may be that not starting the project is not an option because of, e.g. relationship with the customer, but then you simply start talking about costs. What other work won’t be done or will be delayed, etc. A format of conversation proves to be very useful on such occasions.

    One nice side effect of introducing WIP limits by conversation is that you are encouraged to talk about thing like expected value, cost of delay, estimated effort and probabilities of all of these numbers for all the projects that you start. It usually helps to refrain from projects that don’t make much sense but unless you’d started asking such questions no one would have been aware of the fact.

    Another gain is slack time generated on a team level. If you care about not overloading the teams, occasionally they won’t have an ongoing project. This is perfect moment to all sorts of improvement work as well as learning or helping other teams.

    My experience is that, despite its vague nature, limiting WIP by conversation works surprisingly well. After all, I don’t know many people that want to make their teams miserable and hurt their organization on purpose.

  • Portfolio Kanban: Why Should I Care?

    It’s an interesting observation for me: people keep asking me to speak about Portfolio Kanban. London, Krakow, Chicago… it seems that for me Portfolio Kanban is going to be the topic to speak about this year.

    When I started with Portfolio Kanban it was an experiment – a tool I wanted to play with to see whether it is useful at all. When you start speaking publicly about such things though, there is one important question you have to answer: why should anyone care?

    After all, unless the question is answered Portfolio Kanban is just a toy.

    So… why?

    When I look at work that is happening in lean and agile communities I see a lot happening on a team level. Scrum is a framework designed for a team level. When you look at Kanban implementations, vast majority of them are on the same level too. Now, should we be worried? Is it wrong? No! It’s perfectly OK. Well, sort of.

    Let me start with this:

    A system of local optima is not an optimal system at all; it is a very suboptimal system

    Eli Goldratt

    Focusing on a team level and a team level only we are optimizing parts as rarely a single team is a whole. I’m far from the orthodox view that we should focus on optimizing the whole and the whole only, as most of us don’t have enough influence to work on such a level.

    It doesn’t mean though that we should cease any responsibility for optimizing the whole system, no matter what sphere of influence we have.

    This is basically why improvements on a portfolio level are so crucial. They don’t have to be done instead of improvements of a team level or prior to them. In fact, a holistic approach is probably the best option.

    If you aim your efforts on a team level only you likely become more efficient, but the question is: efficient at building what?

    Processing the waste more effectively is cheaper, neater, faster waste.

    Stephen Parry

    If the wrong decisions are made on a portfolio level, efficiency on a team level doesn’t really help. What’s more, it can even be harmful because we just produce waste more efficiently. I can think about a number of wasteful activities imposed on teams on a portfolio level, but two are the biggest pains in the neck.

    One is starting projects or products that shouldn’t be started at all in the first place. There is dumb notion that people shouldn’t be idle, so whenever individuals or teams have some spare time it is tightly filled with all sorts of crazy ideas that simply aim at keeping people 100% utilized. That’s just plain stupid.

    Usually, even when people are busy, they get this kind of work anyway, as “they will cope with that somehow.” After some time not only do we run lots of projects or initiatives of questionable value but we have to spend additional effort to finish and maintain them.

    Another pain point is multitasking. All these filler projects are obviously of lower priority than regular work. So what people end up with is they keep switching between projects whenever higher priority tasks calls. The problem is that a context switch between two projects is even more painful than a context switch between two similar tasks within the same general context. Oh, and have I already mentioned that once you’ve finished those filler projects you keep switching back to them to do maintenance?

    So basically what you get is very low value work at cost of huge context switching tax. Congratulations!

    Oh, is it that bad? It’s even worse.

    If you are doing the wrong thing you can’t learn, you will only be trying to do the wrong thing righter.

    John Seddon

    If the organization starts all the fires on a portfolio level, teams end up trying to cope with that mess. If they care, they will make the wrong thing a bit better. Does it help? Not at all. The sad thing is realization what could have been happening instead, which is basically learning.

    The organization could have been learning what work really adds value. The teams could have been learning how to work better. On all levels there would have been opportunities to improve thanks to occasional slack time.

    And, by the way, the organization would have been operating more efficiently too, thanks to less context switching.

    This is basically why you should focus more on organizing your project / product portfolio.

    Why Kanban in this application then?

    I guess I already gave the answer between lines. Visualization, as always, enables harvesting low-hanging fruits. I mean, unless we see how screwed up we are, we often don’t even realize the fact. Visualization also helps to substitute everyday project-related wild-ass guesses with everyday project-related informed decisions. Sounds better, doesn’t it?

    Then there are WIP limits that enable conversations about what projects get started, how we staff the teams and how we react in all sorts of special case situations. In fact, without that bit changes introduced by Portfolio Kanban will be rather shallow.

    Finally, if you are aiming for improvements, Portfolio Kanban gives you a change mechanism that is very similar to what you know from team level Kanban implementations.

    The best part though, is how easily you can start your journey with Portfolio Kanban. Even though it tackles the part of the organization that is usually highly formalized and full of politics, Portfolio Kanban doesn’t require, at least at the beginning, to have everyone signed up for the idea. A single person can use Portfolio Kanban as a disruptive weapon and see what it brings.

    Seriously, it’s enough to have only one person willing to work consistently on Portfolio Kanban board to see the first yield of the improvements. And one doesn’t have to wait very long until the first meaningful discussions around projects start. Then you know something has already changed.

    Even when no one really realized you used Kanban to achieve that.

    If you liked the article you may like my Portfolio Kanban Story too.

  • Why I Don’t Limit WIP (On Occasions)

    As much as I love visualization as a technique that gives pretty much any team handful of quick wins, I do consider limiting work in progress the bit that makes or breaks team’s long-term ability to improve. Introducing, fine tuning and maintaining WIP limits is arguably the most difficult part of Kanban implementation, yet the one that pays of big time in a longer run.

    Shouldn’t limiting WIP be a no-brainer then?

    No, not really.

    Introducing work in progress limits is an investment. A long-term one. If a team isn’t ready to make long-term commitment to limit WIP it may not be their time yet. I mean, would you expect that a pretty much chaotic team would understand their process, let alone shape the process using WIP limits? They have quite a few prerequisite steps to make so let them start with that.

    OK, but this is the case of teams I often dub immature. But then there are teams that I’m working with and that most definitely are mature enough and we still don’t introduce WIP limits.


    Introducing work in progress limits is an investment. A long-term one. Have I already said that? Oh… Anyway, if we are talking about sort of temporary team working on short-term arrangements investment into making WIP limits work may not be worthwhile.

    Let me give you an example. One of my recent project lasted 7 weeks, including first couple of weeks to get things running. Over the course of the project team setup has changed twice. Our environment was far from stability.

    Instead of setting up explicit WIP limits we just paid attention to what was happening on the board and were reacting whenever needed, using a couple rules of thumbs:

    • Whatever is closer to completion (further down the flow) it has priority over stuff that is on earlier stages.
    • We finish what we’ve started before moving on to another task, unless we encounter a blocker.

    Thanks to that we naturally limited work in progress and context switching despite lack of work in progress limits. Probably it wasn’t that strict and aggressive as it would be with explicit WIP limits, but I still think we’ve done decent job.

    The interesting thing is that I doubt we’d be able to fine-tune the WIP limits before the end of the project, even knowing everything we know once we are done. The situation was evolving very rapidly; bottlenecks were in 4 different places throughout these few weeks. We’ve made a couple of gut calls deciding who should do what, like developers helping with testing or design. In fact, we didn’t need explicit WIP limits to make these calls, although definitely understanding how the work was done was a crucial bit.

    If the project was supposed to last a few more weeks we would already have WIP limits on our board. But now the situation has changed; people are working in different setup, so limiting work in progress has to start from scratch.

    There are two lessons in the story. One is about WIP limits – they are a long-term investment and every team adopting WIP limits should understand that before they start. Another one is that even if you don’t have explicit WIP limits understanding how the work is done and reducing how much work is started helps. In some way it is limiting work in progress too.

    You don’t have to use fancy techniques to limit WIP. As I often repeat: read the board from right to left and start with the stuff that is more to the right. To be precise, this should be: read the board from where the flow ends to where the flow starts, as there are many non-standard board designs, but the idea is basically the same.

    You don’t have to work hard to start more stuff – it happens almost without any conscious effort. You have to work hard to finish more stuff. And this is what WIP limits help you with.

  • (Sub)Optimizing Cycle Time

    There is one thing we take almost for granted whenever analyzing how the work is done. It is Little’s Law. It says that:

    Average Cycle Time = Work in Progress / Throughput

    This simple formula tells us a lot about ways of optimizing work. And yes, there are a few approaches to achieve this. Obviously, there is more than the standard way, used so commonly, which is attacking throughput.

    A funny thing is that, even though it is a perfectly viable strategy to optimize work, the approach to improve throughput is often very, very naive and boils down just to throwing more people into a project. Most of the time it is plain stupid as we know from Brook’s Law that:

    Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

    By the way, reading Mythical Man-Month (the title essay) should be a prerequisite to get any project management-related job. Seriously.

    Anyway, these days, when we aim to optimize work, we often focus either on limiting WIP or reducing average cycle time. They both have a positive impact on the team’s results. Especially cycle time often looks appealing. After all, the faster we deliver the better, right?

    Um, not always.

    It all depends on how the work is done. One realization I had when I was cooking for the whole company was that I was consciously hurting my cycle time to deliver pizzas faster. Let me explain. The interesting part of the baking process looked like this:

    Considering that I’ve had enough ready-to-bake pizzas the first setp was putting a pizza into the oven, then it was baked, then I was pulling it out from the oven and serving. Considering that it was almost a standardized process we can assume standard times needed for each stage: half a minute for stuffing the oven with a pizza, 10 minutes of baking and a minute to serve the pizza.

    I was the only cook, but I wasn’t actively involved in the baking step, which is exactly what makes this case interesting. At the same time the oven was a bottleneck. What I ended up doing was protecting the bottleneck, meaning that I was trying to keep a pizza in the oven at all times.

    My flow looked like this: putting a pizza into the oven, waiting till it’s ready, taking it out, putting another pizza into the oven and only then serving the one which was baked. Basically the decision-making point was when a pizza was baked.

    One interesting thing is that a decision not to serve a pizza instantly after it was taken out of the oven also meant increasing work in progress. I pulled another pizza before making the first one done. One could say that I was another bottleneck as my activities were split between protecting the original bottleneck (the oven) and improving cycle time (serving a pizza). Anyway, that’s another story to share.

    Now, let’s look at cycle times:

    What we see on this picture is how many minutes elapsed since the whole thing started. You can see that each pizza was served a minute and a half after it was pulled out from the oven even though the serving part was only a minute long. It was because I was dealing with another pizza in the meantime. Average cycle time was 12 minutes.

    Now, what would happen if I tried to optimize cycle time and WIP? Obviously, I would serve pizza first and only then deal with another one.

    Again, the decision-making point is the same, only this time the decision is different. One thing we see already is that I can keep a lower WIP, as I get rid of the first pizza before pulling another one in. Would it be better? In fact, cycle times improve.

    This time, average cycle time is 11.5 minutes. Not a surprise since I got rid of a delay connected to dealing with the other pizza. So basically I improved WIP and average cycle time. Would it be better this way?

    No, not at all.

    In this very situation I’ve had a queue of people waiting to be fed. In other words the metric which was more interesting for me was lead time, not cycle time. I wanted to optimize people waiting time, so the time spent from order to delivery (lead time) and not simply processing time (cycle time). Let’s have one more look at the numbers. This time with lead time added.

    This is the scenario with protecting the bottleneck and worse cycle times.

    And this is one with optimized cycle times and lower WIP.

    In both cases lead time is counted as time elapsed from first second, so naturally with each consecutive pizza lead times are worse over time. Anyway, in the first case after four pizzas we have better average lead time (27.75 versus 28.75 minutes). This also means that I was able to deliver all these pizzas 2.5 minutes faster, so throughput of the system was also better. All that with worse cycle times and bigger WIP.

    An interesting observation is that average lead time wasn’t better from the very beginning. It became so only after the third pizza was delivered.

    When you think about it, it is obvious. Protecting a bottleneck does make sense when you operate in continuous manner.

    Anyway, am I trying to convince you that the whole thing with optimizing cycle times and reducing WIP is complete bollocks and you shouldn’t give a damn? No, I couldn’t be further from this. My point simply is that understanding how the work is done is crucial before you start messing with the process.

    As a rule of thumb, you can say that lower WIP and shorter cycle times are better, but only because so many companies have so ridiculous amounts of WIP and such insanely long cycle times that it’s safe advice in the vast majority of cases.

    If you are, however, in the business of making your team working efficiently, you had better start with understanding how the work is being done, as a single bottleneck can change the whole picture.

    One thought I had when writing this post was whether it translates to software projects at all. But then, I’ve recalled a number of teams that should think about exactly the same scenario. There are those which have the very same people dealing with analysis (prior to development) and testing (after development) or any other similar scenario. There are those that have a Jack-of-all-trades on board and always ask what the best thing to put his hands on is. There also are teams that are using external people part-time to cover for areas they don’t specialize in both upstream and downstream. Finally, there are functional teams juggling with many endeavors, trying to figure out which task is the most important to deal with at any given moment.

    So as long as I keep my stance on Kanban principles I urge you not to take any advice as a universal truth. Understand why it works and where it works and why it is (or it is not) applicable in your case.

    Because, after all, shorter cycle times and lower WIP limits are better. Except then they’re not.

  • Kitchen Kanban, or WIP Limits, Pull, Slack and Bottlenecks Explained

    Have you ever cooked for twenty people? If you have you know how different the process is when compared to preparing a dinner just for you and your spouse. A few days ago I was preparing lunch for folks in my company and I’m still amazed how naturally we use concepts of pull, WIP limits, bottlenecks and slack when we are in situations like this.

    I can’t help but wonder: why the hell can’t we use the same approach when dealing with our professional work?

    OK, so here I am, cooking 15 pizzas for a small crowd.


    If you read Eli Goldratt’s The Goal you know that if you want to make the whole flow efficient you need to identify and protect bottlenecks. Having some experience with preparing pizzas for a few people, I easily guessed that the bottleneck would be an oven.

    The more interesting part is how, knowing what is the bottleneck, we automatically start protecting it. The very next thing I was doing after taking a pizza out from the oven was putting another one in. If I decided to serve the pizza first I would be making my bottleneck resource (the oven) idle, which would affect the whole process and its length.

    Interestingly enough, protecting the bottleneck in this case resulted in longer cycle time and, with the first delivery, worse lead time too. That’s the subject for another story though.

    The lesson here is about dealing with bottlenecked parts of our processes. One of the recent conversations I’ve had was about bringing more developers into a project where business analysis was a bottleneck. It would be like hiring waiters to help me serving pizzas and expecting it would make the whole process faster.

    It’s even worse if you don’t know what your bottleneck is. In the story with business analysis I’ve mentioned the team learned where the problem is only after some time into the project. Before that they would actually be willing to hire more waiters and would expect that would improve the situation.

    WIP Limits

    Fifteen pizzas and one cook. If I acted as an average software development team I would prepare dough for all pizzas, then move to a tomato sauce, then to other ingredients. Three hours later I would realize that, because of a system constraint, I can’t bake in batch. I would switch my efforts to deal with a hungry and angry crowd focusing more on dealing with their dissatisfaction than on delivering value. Fortunately, eventually I would run a retrospective where I would learn that I made a mistake with the baking part so I would file a retro summary into a place no one ever looks again and congratulate myself a heroic effort of dealing with hungry clients.

    Instead I limited amount of work invested into preparing dough and ingredients. I prepared enough to keep the oven running all the time.

    Well, actually I prepared more. I started with WIP limit of 6 pizzas, meaning that I had 6 ready-to-bake pizzas when the oven was ready. Very soon I realized one obvious and two more, less obvious, issues with such a big WIP limit.

    First, 6 pizzas take up a lot of space. Space which was limited. Even more so, when more people popped up in the kitchen waiting for their share. This is basically a cost of inventory. Unfortunately, in the software industry we deal with code so we don’t really see how it stacks up and take up space, until it’s too late and fixing a bug becomes a dreadful task no one is willing to undertake.

    If only we had to find a place to store tiny physical zeros and ones for each bit of our code… The industry would rock and roll.

    The other two issues weren’t that painful. If you keep unbaked pizza too long it’s not that good as it’s a bit too dry after baking. I also realized that I could easily manage to prepare new pizzas at a pace that doesn’t require such a big queue in front of the oven. I could prepare better (fresher) product and it still wouldn’t affect the flow.

    So I quickly reduced my queue of pizzas in front of the oven to 4, 3 and eventually 2. Sure, it changed how I worked, but it also made me more flexible. I didn’t need so much space and could react to special requests pretty flexibly.

    Surprisingly enough, WIP limits in a kitchen seem so intuitive. It’s often more convenient to work in small batches. Such an approach helps to focus on the bottleneck. If you’re dealing with physical inventory you also virtually see the cost of excessive inventory. Unfortunately, with code it’s not that visible even though it’s a liability too.

    It doesn’t mean that the whole mechanism changes dramatically. Much unfinished work increases multitasking, inflicts a cost of context switching, lengthens feedback loops. It just isn’t that visible, which is why we don’t naturally limit work in progress.

    Slack Time

    When we are talking about WIP limits we can’t forget about slack time. Technically I could prepare an infinite queue of ready-to-bake pizzas in front of the oven. Of course no mentally healthy cook would do this.

    Anyway, when I started limiting my pizzas in progress I was facing moments when, in theory, I could have been preparing another one but didn’t. I didn’t, even when there was nothing else to be done at the moment.

    A canonical example of slack time.

    I used my slack time to chat with people, so I was happier (and we know that happy people do a better job). I got myself a coffee so I improved my energy level. I also used slack to rearrange the process a bit so my work was about to become more efficient. Finally, slack time was an occasion to check remaining ingredients to learn what pizzas I can still deliver.

    In short I was doing anything but pushing more work to the system. It wouldn’t help anyways as I was bottlenecked by the oven and knew my pace well enough to come up with reasonable, yet safe, WIP limits which were telling me when I should start preparing the next pizza.

    There are two lessons for us here. First, learn how the work is being done in your case. This knowledge is a prerequisite to do reasonable work with setting WIP limits. And yes, the best way to learn what WIP limits are reasonable in a specific case is experimenting to see what works and what allows to keep the pace of the flow.

    Second, slack time doesn’t mean idle time. Most of the time it is used to do meaningful stuff, very often system improvements that result in better efficiency. When all people hear from my argument for slack time is “sometimes it’s better to sip coffee than to write code” I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. It seems they don’t even try to understand, let alone measure, the work their teams do.


    And, finally, pull principle. As we already know the critical part of the whole process was the oven, let’s start there. Whenever I took out a pizza from the oven it was a signal to pull another pizza into the oven. Doing this I was freeing one space in my queue of pizzas in front of the oven. It was a pull signal to prepare another one. To do this I pulled dough, tomato sauce and the rest of ingredients. When I ran out of any of these I pulled more of them from fridge.

    Pull all over the place. Getting everything on demand. I was chopping vegetables or opening the next pack of salami only when I needed them. There were almost no leftovers.

    Assuming that I could replenish almost every ingredient during the time a pizza was being baked, I was safe. I could even base on an assumption that it’s close to impossible that I run out of all the ingredients at the same time. And even then I had a buffer of ready-to-bake pizzas.

    The only exception was dough as preparing dough took more time. Dough was my epic story. This part of the work was common for a bunch of pizzas all derived from the same batch of dough. Same like stories derived from an epic. In this case I was just monitoring the inventory of dough so I could start preparing the next batch soon enough. Again, there was a pull signal but it was a bit different: there are only two pieces of dough left; I should start preparing another batch so it would be ready once I run out of the current one.

    The lesson about pull is that we should think about the work we do “from right to left.” We should start with work items that are closest to being done and consider how we can get them closer to completion. Then, going from there, we’ll be able to pull work throughout the whole process as with each pull we’ll be creating free space upstream.

    Once we deploy something we create free space so we can pull something to acceptance testing. As a result we free some space in testing and pull features that are developed, which makes it possible to pull more work from a backlog, etc.

    When using this approach along with WIP limits we don’t introduce extensive amount of work to the system and we keep our flow efficient.

    Once we learn that earlier stages of work may require more time than later ones we may adjust pull signals and WIP limits accordingly so we keep the pace of the flow.


    I hope the story makes it easier to understand basic concepts introduced by Kanban. Actually, I’d say that if software was physical people would understand concepts of flow, WIP limits, pull or protecting bottlenecks way easier. They would see how their undelivered code clutter their workspace, impact their pace and affects their flow of work.

    So how about this: ask yourself following questions.
    Where is the oven in your team?
    Who is working on this part of the process?
    Do you protect them?
    How many ready-to-bake pizzas do you have typically?
    How many of these do you really need?
    What do you do when you can’t put another pizza into the oven?
    What kind of space do your pizzas occupy?
    Do your pizzas taste the same, no matter how long they are queued?
    Do you need all the ingredients prepared up front?
    How much of ingredients do you typically have prepared?
    How do you know whether you need dough and when you should start preparing it?

    Look at your work from this perspective and tell me whether it helps you to understand your work better. It definitely does in my case, so do expect further pizza stories in the future.

  • WIP Limits Revisited

    One of things you can hear repeatedly from me is why we should limit work in progress (WIP) and how it drives continuous improvement. What’s more, I usually advise using rather aggressive WIP limits. The point is that you should generate enough slack time to create space and incentive for improvements.

    In other words, the goal is to make people not doing project or product development work quite frequently. Only then, freed from being busy with regular stuff, they can improve the system which they’re part of.

    The part which I was paying little attention to was the cost of introducing slack time. After all, these are very rare occasions when clients pay us for improvement work, so this is some sort of investment that doesn’t come for free.

    This is why Don Reinertsen’s sessions during Lean Kanban Europe Tour felt, at first, so unaligned with my experience. Don advises to start with WIP limits twice as big as average WIP in the system. This means you barely generate any slack at all. What the heck?

    Let’s start with a handful of numbers. Don Reinertsen points that WIP limit which is twice as big as average WIP, when compared to no WIP limit at all, ends up with only 1% idle time more and only 1% rejected work. As a result we get 28% improvement in average cycle time. Quite an impressive change for a very small price. Unfortunately, down the road, we pay more and more for further improvements in cycle time, thus the question: how far should we drive WIP limits?

    The further we go the more frequently we have idle time, thus we waste more money. Or do we? Actually, we are doing it on purpose. Introducing slack to the system creates an opportunity to improve. It’s not really idle time.

    Instead of comparing value of project or product work to idle time we should compare it to value of improvement work. The price we pay isn’t that high as it would initially seem basing simply on queuing theory.

    Well, almost. If we look at the situation within strict borders of a single project value of improvement work is non-existent or intangible at best. How much better will the product be or how much faster will we build remaining features? You don’t know. So you can’t say how much value these improvements will add to the project.

    However, saying that the improvements are of no value would be looking from a perspective of optimizing a part; in this case a single project. Often impact of such improvements will be broader than within borders of the project and it will last longer than the project’s time span.

    I don’t say I have a method you may use to evaluate cost and value attached to non-project work. If I had I’d probably be a published author by now, had lots of grey hair and a beer belly twice as big. My point is that you definitely shouldn’t account all non-project work as waste. Actually, most of the time cost of this work will be smaller than value you get out of it.

    If we based purely on Don Reinertsen’s data and assumed that whenever we hit WIP limit people are idle we could come up with such a chart:

    On a horizontal axis we have WIP limits going from infinite (no WIP limit at all) to aggressive WIP limits inflicting much slack time. On a vertical axis we have overall impact on a system. As we introduce WIP limits (we go to the right side of the chart) we gain value thanks to shorter average cycle times and, at least at the beginning, improved throughput. At the same time we pay the cost of delay of rejected or queued work waiting to enter the system (in backlog) and the cost of idle time.

    In this case we reach the peak point of the curve pretty quickly, which means that we get most value with rather loose WIP limits. We don’t want to introduce too much idle time to the system as it’s our liability.

    However, if we start thinking in terms of slack time, not idle time, and assume that we are able to produce enough value during slack time to compensate the cost the chart will be much different.

    In the case number two the only factor working against us is cost of delay of work we can’t start because of WIP limits. The organization still has to pay for people doing non-project work, but we base on assumption that they create equal value during slack time.

    The peak of the curve is further to the right, which means that the best possible impact happens when we use more aggressive WIP limits than in the first case.

    Personally, I’d go even further. Basing on my past experience I’d speculate that often slack time results in improvements that have positive overall impact on the organization. In other words it would be quite a good idea to fund them as projects as they simply bring or save money. It gives us another scenario.

    In this case impact of slack time is positive so it partially compensates increasing cost of delay, as we block more items to enter the system. Eventually, of course, overall impact is negative in each case as at the end of horizontal axis we’d have WIP limit of 0, which would mean infinite cost of delay.

    Anyway, the more interesting point to look at is the peak of each curve, as this is a sweet spot for our WIP limits. And this is something we should be looking for.

    I guess, by this time you’ve already noticed that there are no numbers on the charts. Obviously, there can’t be any. Specific WIP limits would depend on a number of context-dependent factors, like a team size, process complexity or external dependencies, to mention only the most obvious ones.

    The shape of curves will depend on the context as well. Depending on the work you do cost of delay can have different impact, same as value of improvements will differ. Not to mention that cost attached to slack time vary as well.

    What I’m trying to show here is that introducing WIP limits isn’t just a simple equation. It’s not without a reason that no credible person would simply give you a number as an answer for a question about WIP limits. You just have to find out by yourself.

    By the way, the whole background I drew here is also an answer for the question why my experience seemed so unaligned with ideas shared by Don Reinertsen. I just usually see quite a lot value gained thanks to wise use of slack time. And slack time, by all means, should be accounted differently than idle time.

  • Ball Flow Game

    If you visit Software Project Management on occasions you likely know that 100% utilization is a myth. A nice and simple experiment that shows impact of full utilization on effectiveness and at the same time presents value of WIP limits is a ball flow game.

    The rules are simple:

    • You get a group of people to process 20 balls.
    • Processing is just throwing a ball from one person to another.
    • The person who starts throwing the balls in is also a person who is last to touch the ball.
    • The ball should have at least minimal air time when changing its woner, i.e. it should be thrown not passed.
    • Everyone in the group should touch each ball.
    • The ball shouldn’t be thrown to any of two closest persons (the one on the left and the one on the right).

    The rest is pretty much team’s self-organization.

    The goal of the team is to process 20 balls as fast as possible.

    The team can arrange themselves in a way that is convenient for them, which most of the time means standing in circle. Then they set up the sequence: who is throwing to whom. And then, the fun begins.

    Following data is from the game I run with a group of 10 people.

    The first approach was no WIP limits at all, meaning that balls were thrown in as soon as the first person was idle. With this approach it’s not even the data that is most interesting but the looks of what’s happening. Balls are flying all over the place. People barely cope with coordination of passing the ball to the next person and coming back to the previous one to receive the next ball. Pretty often balls are dropped and left forgotten as new balls are waiting. It’s all chaos.

    And the clock is ticking.

    Simply by looking at the situation you may safely guess it is suboptimal organization. However it is how many teams still work these days. We decided to use it as a reference point.

    Cycle time for each processed ball looked like this.

    One thing is that it could be as much as 32 seconds to process a ball. Almost 3 seconds per person for something as simple as passing a ball. Another thing is that variability of cycle times was high – anything between 13 and 32 seconds meant that worst case scenario was 2,5 times longer than the best case. This left us in a place when we were hardly predictable in terms of time needed to process the next ball.

    One quick look at Cumulative Flow Diagram (measures were taken every 10 seconds) will show one of typical problems I see in teams: as the project goes further cycle times become worse (green part of the diagram becomes wider).

    Processing time of all the balls was 83 seconds.

    With the second round the team decided to limit work in progress. With no idea what WIP limit they should go they decided to try WIP limit of 5 balls, for the team of 10 people. Considering that processing time was very short – no one was expected to do anything special with balls – the crucial thing were handoffs. In ideal case each handoff requires 2 people, one passing the ball and another one receiving it, thus limit of 5. It also meant that for the processing time one of every two persons will be idle.

    First, the whole task was done in 63 seconds. Almost 25% improvement.

    Second, the way the group worked looked way better. Little chaos, no dropped balls, no collisions in flight, etc.

    Third, cycle time went down and became more predictable. This time it was anything between 9 and 15 seconds. Yay! We shortened our time to market.

    Cumulative Flow Diagram also looked better. Steeper curves mean better throughput and green part width (cycle times) are kept under control.

    With such good results a natural consequence is a discussion about the optimum. We know that WIP limit of 5 is better than infinity but should we test WIP limit of 4 or rather of 6? The group decided to go with WIP limit of 4 in round 3 and results were interesting.

    The end to end time was 61 seconds. Basically no change at all as I could potentially address 2 second difference to fluency with throwing balls.

    Was it simply the same as in round 2 then? Pretty much the opposite.

    The most interesting thing was what happened with cycle times.

    There was only one ball that was processed faster than in 9 seconds, which was the best result in round 2. However this time variability of cycle times was reduced hugely (8 to 10 seconds). The team became highly predictable.

    Considering that we were processing identical tasks, this was something we should expect, but it didn’t happen unless we introduced strict WIP limit. By the way, this predictability is neatly shown in CFD, which now looks very stable.

    There’s one more thing hidden here too. With more strict WIP limit we introduced more slack time. This time, even in ideal situation when every ball is passed we still have two people idle. Yet the end effect is still the same. The difference is that this additional slack time can be invested to improve the process or automate the part of it so eventually the team becomes even more effective.

    In short: considering that we have the same end to end team performance more strict WIP limit is better than looser one as it sets us on a better path toward improvement.

    A natural next step would be probably trying WIP limit of 3. However having chance to play in controlled environment the team did an experiment with limit of 2 to see what would happen.

    Basing on results so far outcome of round 4 could be somewhat predictable. Best cycle times went down even more with top result of 6 seconds.

    However it came at cost of bigger variability as worst cycle time remained the same (10 seconds). We drove predictability down.

    Cumulative Flow Diagram, again, looked neatly – nothing to worry about.

    From CFD you can guess the key statistic here. Overall processing time went up. 85 seconds. A tiny bit worse than without limits at all.

    However, again, comparing only rounds 1 and 4 I believe that the one with WIP limits is a way to go. Considering that the whole task was completed in the same time we had a lot of slack time that could be invested in improvements, there was less pressure and significantly less chaos. In other words: short-term results are similar, long-term ones should be better with WIP limits.

    Now, why am I telling you all this? First, to show you the mechanism. You should be doing exactly the same thing with your real Kanban implementation tweaking WIP limits and measuring outcome of these changes to find local optimum.

    Second, there’s underlying assumption made here. One that is super-important. You need to measure how you’re doing otherwise you won’t be able to tell whether after changes you are doing any better than you’ve done before. If you don’t have meaningful measures already in use then start with this, before you play with your WIP limits.

    And now that you asked, no, I don’t consider your gut feeling “a measure.”

    Big thanks to Karl Scotland, who I learned the idea from. If you want to play the game I strongly recommend using spreadsheets Karl kindly shared.