Author: Pawel Brodzinski

  • Don’t Limit Work in Progress

    I’m a long-time fan of visual management. Visualizing work helps to gather low-hanging fruits: it makes the biggest obstacles instantly visible and thus helps to facilitate the improvements. By the way, these early improvements are typically fairly easy to apply and have big impact. That’s why we almost universally propose visualization as a practice to start with.

    At the same time a real game-changer in the long run is when we start limiting work in progress (WIP). That’s where we influence the change of behaviors. That’s where we introduce slack time. That’s where we see emergent behaviors. That’s where we enable continuous improvements.

    What’s frequently reported though, is that introducing WIP limits is hard for many teams. There’s resistance against the mechanism. It is perceived as a coercive practice by some. Many managers find it really hard to go beyond the paradigm of optimizing utilization. People naturally tend to do what they’ve always been doing: just pull more work.

    How do we address that challenge? For quite some time the best idea I’ve got was to try it as an experiment with a team. Ultimately there needs to be team buy-in to make WIP limits work. If there is resistance against a specific practice, e.g. WIP limits, there’s not much point in enforcing it. It won’t work. However, why not give it a try for some time? There doesn’t have to be any commitment to go on after the trial.

    The thing is that it usually feels better to have less work in progress. There’s not that much of multitasking and context switching. Cycle times go down so there’s more of sense of accomplishment. The pressure on the team often goes down as well.

    There’s also one thing that can show that the team is actually doing much better. It’s enough to measure start and end dates for work items. It will allow to figure out both cycle times (how much time it takes to finish a work item) and throughput (how many work items are finished in a given time window).

    If we look at Little’s Law, or rather its adoption in Kanban context, we’ll see that:

    Little's Law

    It means that if we want to get shorter cycle time, a.k.a. quicker delivery and shorter feedback loops, we need either to improve throughput (which is often difficult) or cut work in progress (which is much easier).

    We are then in a situation where we understand that limiting WIP is a good idea and yet realize that introducing such a practice is not easy. Is there another way?

    One strategy that worked for me very well over years was to change the discussion around WIP limits altogether. What do we expect when WIP limits are in place? Well, we want people to pull less work and instead to focus on finishing items rather than starting them.

    So how about focusing on these outcomes? It’s fairly simple. It’s enough to write a simple guidance. Whenever you finished work on an item first check whether there are any blockers. If there are attempt to solve them. If there aren’t any look at any unassigned items starting from the part of the board that’s closest to the done column (typically the rightmost part of the board). Then gradually go toward the beginning of value stream. Start a new item only when there’s literally nothing you can do with ongoing items.

    Kanban Board

    If we took a developer as an example the process might look like this. Once they finish coding a new work item they look at the board. There is one blocked item. It just so happens that the blocker is waiting for a response from a client. A brief chat in the team may reveal that there’s no point in pestering the client for feedback on the ticket for now. At the same time it may be a good time to remind the client about the blocker.

    Then the developer would go through the board starting at the point closest to the doneness. If the process in place was something like: development, code review, testing and acceptance by the client, the first place would be acceptance. Are there any work items where the client shared feedback, i.e. we need to implement some changes? If so that’s the next task to focus on. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the developer was the author of the ticket but if there are any tickets that used to be his it may be input for prioritizing.

    If there’s nothing to act upon in acceptance, then we have testing. Are there any bugs from internal testing than need to be fixed? Are there any tickets that wait for testing that the developer can take care of? Of course we have a century-old discussion about developers not willing to do the actual testing. I would however point that fixing bugs for the fellow developers is equally valuable activity.

    If there’s nothing in testing that can be taken care of then we move to code review and take care of anything that’s waiting for code review or implement feedback from code review that’s been done already.

    Then we move to development and try to figure out whether the developer can help with any ongoing work item. Can we pair with other team members? Or maybe there are obstacles where another pair of eyes may be useful?

    Only after going through all the steps the developer moves to the backlog and pulls a new ticket.

    The interesting observation is that in vast majority of cases there will be something to take care of. Just try to imagine a situation where there’s literally nothing that’s blocked, requires fixing or improvements and nothing that’s in waiting queue. If we face such a situation we likely don’t need to limit work in progress any further.

    And that’s the whole trick. Instead of introducing an artificial mechanism that yields specific outcomes we can focus on these outcomes. If we can guide the team to adopt simple guidance for choosing tasks we effectively made them limit work in progress and likely with much less resistance.

    Now does it matter that we don’t have explicit WIP limits? No, not really. Does it matter that the actual limits may fluctuate a bit more than in a case when the process has hard limits? Not much. Do we see actual improvements? Huge.

    So here’s an idea. Don’t focus on practices. Focus on understanding and outcomes. It may yield similarly good or better results and with a fraction of resistance.

  • Don’t Mess with Culture

    When I’m writing these words I’m on my way home from Lean Agile Scotland. While summarizing the event Chris McDermott mentioned a few themes, two of them being organizational culture and experimentation.

    Experimentation is definitely my thing. I am into organizational culture too. I should be happy when Chris righteously pointed both as the themes of the event. At the same at that very moment time alarm lights went off in my head.

    We refer a lot to safe to fail experiments. We talk about antifragile or resilient environments. And then we quickly turn into organizational culture.

    The term culture hacking pops up frequently.

    And I’m scared.

    The reason is that in most cases there is no safe to fail experiment when we talk about an organizational culture. The culture is an outcome of everyone’s behaviors. It is ultimately about people. In other words an experiment on the culture, or a culture hack if you will, means changing people behaviors.

    If you mess it up, more often than not, there’s no coming back. We may introduce a new factor that would influence how people behave. However, removing that factor does not bring the old behaviors back. Not only that though. Often there’s no simple way to introduce another factor that would bring back the old status quo.

    There’s a study which showed that introducing a fine for popping up late at a daycare to pick up a child resulted in in more parents being late, as they felt excused for their behavior. This was quite an unexpected outcome of the experiment. However, even more interesting part is that removing the fine did not affect parents’ behaviors at all – they kept popping up late more frequently than before the experiment.

    It’s natural. Our behaviors are outcome of the constraints of the environment and our experience, knowledge and wisdom.

    We will affect behaviors by changing the constraints. The change is not mechanistic though. We can’t exactly predict what’s going to happen. At the same time the change affects our experience, knowledge and wisdom and thus irreversibly changes the bottom line.

    I can give you a simple example. When we decided to go transparent with salaries at Lunar Logic it was a huge cultural experiment. What I knew from the very beginning though was there was no coming back. Ultimately, we can make salaries “non-transparent” again. Would that change what people learned about everyone’s salary? No. Would that change that they do look at each other through the perspective of that knowledge?

    It might have affect the way they look at the company in a negative way, as suddenly some of the authority that they’d had was taken away. In other words, even from that perspective they’d have been better if such an experiment hadn’t been run at all than if it was tried and rolled back.

    I’m all for experimentation. I definitely do prefer safe to fail experiments. I am however aware that there are whole areas where such experiments are impossible most of the time, if not all of the time.

    The culture is one such area. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be experimenting with the culture. It’s just that we should be aware of the stakes. If you’re just flailing around with your culture hacks there will be casualties. Having experimentation mindset is a lousy excuse.

    I guess the part of my pet peeve with understanding the tools and the methods is exactly this. When we introduce a new constraint, and a method or a tool is a constraint, we invariably change the environment and thus influence the culture. Sometimes irreversibly.

    It get even trickier when the direct goal of the experiment is to change the culture. Without understanding what we’re doing it’s highly likely that such a culture hack will backfire. Each time I run an experiment on a culture I like to think that the change will be irreversible and then I ask myself once again: do I really want to run it?

    If not I simply don’t mess with the culture.

  • Context Switching: The Good and the Bad

    Multitasking is bad. We know that. Sort of. Yet still, we keep fooling ourselves that we can do efficiently a few things at the same time.

    When I talk about limiting work in progress I point a number of reasons why multitasking and its outcome – context switching – is harmful. One of them is Zeigarnik Effect.

    Zeigarnik Effect is an observation that our brains remember much better tasks that we haven’t finished. Not only that though. If we haven’t finished something we will also have intrusive thoughts about that thing.

    So it’s not only that it’s easy for us to recall tasks that we haven’t finished. We don’t necessarily control that we occasionally think about these tasks either.

    What are the consequences? Probably the most important outcome is that, in a situation where we handle a lot of work in progress, it is an illusion that we are focusing on a single task. This is an argument that I’d frequently hear: it doesn’t matter that we have a dozen work items in development. After all, at any given time I only work on a single feature, right?

    Wrong. What Zeigarnik Effect suggests is that our brains will be switching context despite what we consciously think it would do.

    An interesting perspective to that discussion is that Zeiganik effect has been disputed – it isn’t universally accepted phenomenon. Let me run a quick validation with you then. When was the last time that, while doing something completely different, you’ve had an intrusive thought about an unfinished task. Be it an email you forgot to send, a call you didn’t make, a chore you was supposed to do or whatever else.

    We do have those out of the blue thoughts, don’t we? Now, think what happens when we do. Our brain instantly switches the context. It doesn’t really matter what we’ve been doing prior to that: driving a car, coding or having a discussion.

    That’s exactly where the multitasking tax is rooted.

    It’s not all bad though. We frequently use Zeigarnik Effect to help us. A canonical example is when we struggle with solving a complex issue, we give up, just to figure it all out when we take shower, brush our teeth or just lay in bed after we’ve woken up in the morning. We simply release the pressure of sorting it all out instantly and let our brain take care of that.

    And it does. On a moment that’s convenient for our thinking process we face a context switch that brings us to a solution of a puzzle that we’ve been facing.

    It is worth to remember that it’s a case of context switching as well. It just so happens that we’ve been taking a shower thus it doesn’t hit our productivity. The pattern in both cases is exactly the same though.

    That’s why it is worth remembering that adding more and more things to our plate doesn’t make us effective at all. At the same time we may use exactly the same mechanism to let our brain casually kick in when we struggle with solving a difficult problem.

  • Hierarchy Is Bad For Motivation

    Whenever a topic of motivation at work pops up I always bring up Dan Pink’s point. In the context of knowledge work, in order to create an environment where people are motivated we need autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

    The story is nice and compelling. However, what we don’t realize instantly is how high Dan Pink sets the bar. Let me leave the purpose part aside for now. It is worth the post on its own. Let’s focus on autonomy and mastery.

    First of all, especially in the context of software development, there’s a strong correlation between the two. Given that I have enough autonomy in how I organize my work and how the work gets done, I most likely can pursue mastery as well. There are edge cases of course, but most frequently autonomy translates to mastery (not necessarily so the other way around though).

    The problem is that the way organizations are managed does not support autonomy across the board. Vast majority of organization employs hierarchy-driven structures. A line worker has a manager, that manager has their own manager, and so on and so forth up to a CEO.

    The hierarchy itself isn’t that much of an issue though. What is an issue is how power is distributed within the hierarchy. Typically specific powers are assigned to specific levels of management. A line manager can do that much. A middle manager that much. A senior manager even more. Each manager is a ruler of their own kingdom.

    Why is power distribution so important? Well, ultimately in knowledge organizations power is used for one purpose: making decisions. And decision-making is a perfect proxy if we are interested in assessing autonomy.

    Of course each ruler has a fair level of flexibility when it comes to decide how the decision-making happens in their teams. There are, however, mechanisms that discourage them to change the common pattern, i.e. a dictatorship model.

    The hierarchical, a.k.a. dictatorship, model has its advantages. Namely it addresses the risks of indecisiveness and accountability. Given that power is clearly distributed across the hierarchy we always know who is supposed to make a decision and thus who should be kept accountable for it.

    That’s great. Unfortunately, at the same time it discourages attempts to distribute decision-making. As a manager I’m still kept accountable for all the relevant decisions made so I better make them myself or double-check whether I agree with those made by a team.

    This in turn means that normally there’s very little autonomy in hierarchical organizations.

    It brings us to a sad realization. The most common organizational structures actively discourage autonomy and authority distribution.

    If we come back to where we started – what are the drivers for motivation – we would derive that we should see really low levels of motivation out there. I mean, vast majority of companies adopt the hierarchical model as it was the only thing there is. Not only that though. Even within hierarchical model we may introduce a culture that encourages autonomy, yet very, very few companies are doing so.

    We could conclude that if the above argument is true we would expect really low levels of motivation globally in the workforce. It is a safe assumption that high motivation would result in engagement and vice versa.

    Interestingly enough Gallup run a global survey on employee engagement. The bottom line is that only 13% of employees are engaged in work. Thirteen. It would have been a shock if not the fact that we just proposed that one of the current management paradigms – a prevalent organizational structure – is unsuitable to introduce autonomy across the board and thus high levels of motivation.

    In fact, active disengagement, which would translate to being openly disgruntled, is universally more common that engagement. Now, that tells a story, doesn’t it?

    What we look at here is that modern workplace is not well-suited for achieving high motivation and high engagement of employees. There are certain things that can change the situation within structural constraints. There are good stories on how to encourage the right behaviors without tearing down the whole hierarchy.

    It is also a challenge for a dominant management paradigm that makes a rigid hierarchy a prevalent and by far the most popular organizational structure out there. While such hierarchy addresses specific risks it isn’t the only way of dealing with them. The price we pay for following that path is extremely high.

    I for once consider that price too high.

  • Value of MVP and Knowledge Discovery Process

    By now Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is for me mostly a buzzword. While I’m a huge fan of the idea since I learned it from Lean Startup, these days I feel like one can label anything an MVP.

    Given that Lunar Logic is a web software shop we often talk with startups that want to build their product. I think I can recall one or maybe two ideas that were really minimal in a way that they would validate a hypothesis and yet require least work to build. A normal case is when I can easily figure out a way of validating a hypothesis without building a half or even two thirds of an initial “MVP”.

    With enough understanding of business environment it’s fairly easy to go even further than that, i.e. cut down even more features and still get the idea (in)validated.

    A prevalent approach is still to build fairly feature-rich app that covers a bunch of typical scenarios that we think customers would expect. The problem is it means thinking in terms of features not in terms of customer’s problems.

    Given that Lunar is around for quite a long time – it’s going to be the 11th birthday this year – we also have a good sample of data how successful these early products are. Note, I’m focusing here more on whether an early version of a product survived, rather than whether it was a good business idea in the first place.

    Roughly 90% of apps we built are not online anymore. It doesn’t mean that all these business ideas weren’t successes. Some eventually evolved away from the original code base. Others ended up making their owners rich after they sold the product to e.g. Facebook. The reasons vary. Vast majority simply didn’t make the cut though.

    From that perspective, the only purpose these products served was knowledge discovery. We learned more about business context. We learned more about real problems of customers and their willingness to pay for solving them. We learned that specific assumptions we’d had were completely wrong and others were right on spot.

    In short, we acquired information.

    In fact, we bought it, paying for building the app.

    This is a perspective I’d like our potential clients to have whenever we’re discussing a new product. Of course we can build something that will cost 50 thousand bucks and only then release it and figure out what happens. Or maybe, we can figure out how to buy the same knowledge for much less.

    There are two consequences of such approach.

    One is that most likely there will be a much cheaper way to validate assumptions than building the app. The other is that we introduce one more intermediate step before deciding to build something.

    The step is answering how much knowing a specific thing is worth for us. How much would we pay to know whether our business idea would work or not. This also boils down to: how much it will be worth if it plays out.

    I can give you an example. When we were figuring out whether our no estimation cards make sense as a business idea we discussed the numbers. How much we may charge for a deck. What volumes we can think of. The end result of that discussion was that we figured that potential business outcomes don’t even justify turning the cards into a product on its own.

    esimtaion cards

    We simply abandoned the productization experiment as the cost of learning how much we could earn selling the cards was bigger that potential gain. Validating such a hypothesis wasn’t economically sensible.

    By the way, eventually we ended up building the site and made our awesome cards available but with a very different hypothesis in mind.

    In this case it wasn’t about defining what is a Minimal Viable Product. It was rather about figuring out how much potential new knowledge is worth and how much we’d need to invest to learn that knowledge. The economic equation didn’t work initially so we put any effort on hold till we pivoted the idea.

    If we turned that into a simple puzzle it would be obvious. Imagine that I have 2 envelopes. There is a hundred dollar bill inside one and the other is empty. How much would you be willing to pay for information where is the money? Well, mathematically speaking no more than 50 dollars. That’s simple.

    If only we could have such a discussion about every feature that we build in our products we would add much less waste to software. Same thing is true for products.

    Next time someone mentions an MVP you may ask what hypothesis they’re going to validate with the MVP and how much validating that hypothesis is worth. Only then a discussion about the cost of building the actual thing will have enough context.

    By the way the more unsure about the outcomes of validating the hypothesis they are the more valuable the actual experiment will be.

    And yes, employing such attitude does mean that many of what people call MVPs wouldn’t be built at all. And yes, I just said that we commonly encourage our potential clients to send us much less work than they initially want. And yes, it does mean that we get less money building these products.

    And no, I don’t think it affect the financial bottom line of the business. We end up being recommended for our Lean approach and taking care of best interest of our clients. It is a win-win.

  • Why We Want Women in Teams

    One of the messages that I frequently share is that we need more women in our teams. By now I’ve faced the whole spectrum of reactions to this message, from calling me a feminist to furious attacks pointing how I discriminate women. If nothing else people are opinionated on that topic and there’s a lot of shallow, and unfair, buzz when it comes to role of women in IT.

    Personally, I am guilty too. I’ve been caught off guard a few times when I simply shared the short message – “we need more women in our teams” – and didn’t properly explained the long story behind.

    Collective Intelligence

    The first part of the story is the one about collective intelligence. We can define the core of our jobs as solving complex problems and accomplishing complex tasks. We do that by writing code, testing it, designing it, deploying it, but the outcome is that we solved a problem for our customer. In fact, I frequently say that often the best solution doesn’t mean building something or writing code.

    If we agree on problem solving frame a perfect proxy for how well we’re dealing with it is collective intelligence. Well, at least as long as we are talking about collaborative work.

    Anita Woolley’s research pointed factors responsible for high collective intelligence: high empathy, evenness of communication in a group and diversity of cognitive styles. These are not things that we, as the industry, pay attention to during hiring. Another conclusion of the research is that women are typically stronger in these aspects and thus the more women in a team the higher collective intelligence.

    Role of Collaboration

    There are two follow up threads to that. One is that the research focused only on one aspect of work, which can be translated to collaboration. That’s not all that counts. We can have a team that collaborates perfectly yet doesn’t have the basic skills to accomplish a goal. Of course all the relevant factors should be balanced.

    This is why at Lunar Logic, during hiring process, we verify technical competences first. This way we know that a candidate won’t be a burden for a team when they join. Once we know that somebody’s technical skills are above the bar, we focus on the more important aspects, but the first filter is: “can you do the job?”

    The decision making factors are those related to the company culture and to collaboration.

    Correlation and Causation

    Another thread is that “more women” message is a follow up to an observation that women tend to do much better in terms of collective intelligence. I occasionally get flak for mentioning that women are more empathetic. It would typically be a story about a very empathetic man or a woman who was a real bitch and ruined the whole collaboration in a team.

    My answer to that is I don’t want to hire women. I want to hire people who excel at collaboration. If I ended up choosing between empathetic man and a cold-blooded female killer it would be a no-brainer to me. I’d go with the former.

    What is important though is that statistically speaking women are better if we take into consideration aforementioned aspects. It’s not like: every woman would be better than any man. It’s like: if we’ve been hiring for these traits we’d be hiring more women than men.

    And that’s where a discussion often gets dense. People would imply that I say that women are genetically better in, say, collaboration. Or pretty much the opposite, they’d say that in our societies we raise women in a way that their role boils down to “good collaborators” and not “achievers.”

    My answer to that is: correlation doesn’t mean causation. I never said that being a women is a cause of being empathetic and generally functioning better in a group. What I say is that there is simply correlation between the two.

    The first Kanban principle says “start with what you have” and I do start with what I have. I’m not an expert in genetics and I just accept the situation we have right now and start from there.

    The Best Candidate

    A valid challenge for “hire more women” argument is that it may end up with positive discrimination. My point in the whole discussion is not really hire women over men. In fact, the ultimate guidance for hiring remains the same: hire the best candidate you can.

    It just so happens that, once you start thinking about different contexts, the definition of “the best candidate” evolves. A set of traits and virtues of a perfect candidate would be different than what we are used to.

    And suddenly we will be hiring more women. Not because they are women. Simply, because they are the best available candidates.

    Such a change is not going to happen overnight. Even now at Lunar I think we are still too much biased toward technical skills. And yet our awareness and sensitivity toward what constitutes a perfect candidate is very different than it was a few years ago. That’s probably why we end up hiring fairly high percentage of women, and yet we’re not slaves to “hire women” attitude.

    Finally, I’d like to thank Janice Linden-Reed for inspiration to write this post. Our chats and her challenges to my messages are exactly the kind of conversations we need to be having in this context. And Janice, being a CEO herself and working extensively with IT industry, is the perfect person to speak up on this topic.

  • Culture Pockets

    Organizational culture is one of these areas that I pay a lot of attention to. Over years I started valuing the role of the culture increasingly more and more. The biggest difficulty though is that organizational culture is a challenging beast to control.

    Organizational Culture

    organizational culture
    the behavior of humans who are part of an organization and the meanings that the people react to their actions
    includes the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs, and habits

    If we look at how organizational culture is defined there are two things that are crucial. One thing is that is a culture is formed of behaviors of all people in an organization. The other is that it’s not only about behaviors but also about what drives these behaviors.

    When we look at it we realize that there’s no easy way to mandate a culture change. We can’t simply say: from now on we are a learning organization or that we will value collaboration starting on June the 1st.

    If we want to see a change of a culture we need to see change in behaviors. Bad news though is that change of behaviors can’t really be mandated either. I mean we can install a policeman who will make sure that everyone behaves according to the new policy we issued. What would happen when a policeman is gone? We can safely assume that over time more and more people would retreat back to the old status quo – behaviors they knew and were comfortable with. The change would be temporary and ephemeral.

    Identifying Culture

    If we want to approach a cultural change we first need to understand the existing culture. What is valued? What principles the organization lives by? How is it reflected in everyday behaviors? Without understanding the starting point changes would be rather random and doomed to fail.

    How to identify the culture then? Look at behaviors. Ultimately the culture is a sum of behaviors of people who are a part of the organization.

    There is a serious challenge that we’re facing on that front. Not everyone has equal influence over organizational culture. In fact, the higher in the hierarchy someone is the more influence they typically have.

    The mechanism is simple. Higher up in the hierarchy I have more positional power and my decisions affect more people. One specific type of decision I make, or at least strongly influence, is who gets promoted in my team. Given all my biases, I will likely promote people who are similar to me, share similar values, and behave in similar way. I perpetuate and strengthen the existing culture.

    That’s by the way the rationale behind an advice I frequently share: if you want to figure out what the organizational culture of a company is look at its CEO. The CEO typically has the most positional power and thus their influence over the company is the biggest one. The way they behave will be copied and mimicked across the board.

    Of course we need to pay attention to everyday behaviors and not to what is the official claim of the CEO. Very frequently there would be a gap between the two. That’s something I call authenticity gap. An organization claims one thing but everyday behaviors show another. For example they claim to care about customer satisfaction and then they bullshit their customers when it comes to share the project status.

    This alone says something about culture too (and not a good thing if you need to ask).

    Culture Change

    How do we influence the cultural change then? If we can influence the factors that drive behaviors, and thus the culture, resulting changes would influence the culture. It’s even better. When we’re changing organizational constraints we potentially influence change of behaviors across the board and not only in an individual case.

    We already established though that not everyone has equal influence on the culture. People at the top, in the long run, will have an upper hand. First, they control who gets promoted and as a consequence who has positional power. Second, that power is needed to change organizational constraints: introduce new rules, change the existing ones, and establish what acceptable and what’s not.

    A simple answer how to change organizational culture would be to get top management on board, and help them understand what it takes to influence the culture.

    Unfortunately, few have comfort of doing that.

    Does it mean that we are doomed? Does it mean that without enlisting top ranks any attempt to change organizational culture will fail? Not necessarily so.

    Culture Pockets

    I believe I learned about the concept of culture pockets from Dave Snowden in one of his presentations. The basic idea is that within a bigger, overarching culture we can develop and sustain a different culture.

    Another label that is used to describe this concept is a culture bubble.

    When we think about this frame, from the top of our heads we can come up with some examples. One would be multinational organizations that have offices all around the world. Because of geography and cultural differences each of the local offices will have at least slightly different organizational culture. You would expect to see a different vibe in an office in India, in Poland, and in USA, even if they are the parts of the same company. Even if that company has pretty uniform culture.

    There are examples of introducing culture pockets or culture bubbles when everyone works in the same building too.

    One such idea is Lean Startup. One obvious context of applying Lean Startup ideas are startups. Another, and quite a common one, is when big organizations decide to build their product according to Lean Startup principles.

    Such a team would operate very differently and very independently from the rest of the organization. Constraints would be different and so would be everyday behaviors. We’d have a culture pocket.

    Another similar example is Skunkworks. It’s an idea developed by Lockheed Martin and it boils down to a similar pattern. Lockheed Martin would occasionally run a project in Skunkworks – a very independent team that has a lot of freedom and autonomy. Clearly without all the typical constraints enforced by the company their culture is different than one seen in majority of the company. By the way, a project in this case means designing and building a whole new fighter aircraft or something of similar complexity.

    If we go by that analogy, every team can be a culture bubble. It is enough that the constraints within which that team operates are different from those that are standard for the whole organization. This type of culture pocket can go only as far as the team has positional power to redesign their constraints of course. The more positional power there is the bigger the difference of what is happening within and outside of a culture bubble.

    Creating a Culture Bubble

    Creating and maintaining a culture pocket is a balancing act. One thing is kicking off the change. That would typically mean someone defining different rules for a part of an organization. It can simply be a team of a few people.

    Normally any positional power would be an attribute of a manager. This means that such a change needs to involve that manager. They need to change rules, norms, and expected behaviors. Alternatively they need to let others decide about such stuff, i.e. give up on the power they’ve been assigned.

    There is another role for mangers in a setup too. They main responsibility is to sustain the culture bubble. When a culture pocket is established there’s effort needed to keep it going within broader, sometimes even unfriendly, culture of the whole organization.

    To give you an example, from a perspective of the whole organization it doesn’t matter at all how decisions are made in a team. What matters that there is no problem with indecisiveness and accountability. The way most organizations understand these concepts would mean that a manger has to be decisive and can be kept accountable. It may still be true even if decisions are made by the whole team using e.g. a decision making process.

    Fragility of Culture Pockets

    The biggest risk related to culture pockets is that they are fragile. Typically they base on the fact that some people, who were in power, distributed that power for a better good. It doesn’t mean, however, that when they are replaced with someone else a new person will keep a similar attitude.

    A safe thing in such a situation is to adjust to whatever is the overarching culture of the whole organization. It means that a culture bubble is gone as there’s no longer anyone who take cares of translating the two cultures back and forth.

    The message I have is twofold. On one hand if we want to see a fundamental and sustainable cultural change we need to get top ranks involved eventually. Without that we won’t address the risk of fragility of culture pockets. On the other hand, a simple fact that in a big organization we can’t simply change the culture of the whole company doesn’t mean that we have no options whatsoever.

    From my experience culture pockets, even if fragile and to some point ephemeral, are a perfect vehicle for self-realization of people inside. For people in leadership and management positions they are sometimes the only way to maintain internal integrity.

    Finally, sometimes it is the only option if we want to influence the cultural change.

  • Portfolio Kanban Board

    One thing that I learned quickly when I started experimenting with Portfolio Kanban is that a classic, flow-driven board design isn’t particularly good in vast majority of cases.

    Board Designs

    Long story short, I ended up redesigning the board structure completely and it worked much better. In fact, it worked so well that I started proposing such a design as a starting point whenever working with portfolio Kanban.

    Portfolio Kanban Board

    Interestingly enough, as Kanban adoption of portfolio level progressed I started seeing completely different approaches to visualization. Not that they were worse. They just focused on different aspects of work.

    One that popped up early was two-tier board that addresses different granularity of tasks at the same board. We can track the roots of this design to David Anderson’s time at Corbis. Since then it was picked up to manage portfolios.

    Portfolio Kanban Board

    Another example came from Zsolt Fabok, who was inspired by Chris Matts. What he proposed was a board that stresses expected delivery dates and how an organization is doing against these dates. Again the board design is completely different from the ones we’ve seen so far.

    Portfolio Kanban Board

    Another interesting example that I like is a portfolio board that visualized non-homogenous flow of work. This still is one of the most unusual board designs I’ve seen and yet it makes a perfect sense given the context.

    Portfolio Kanban Board

    By that time it was perfectly clear that there is no such thing as a standard design of Portfolio Kanban board. Each of these designs was fairly optimal if we considered the context. At the same time each of the boards was designed to stress a different aspect of work.

    The design I ended up with in my Portfolio Kanban story revolved around available capabilities and commitments. The two-tiered board design focused on flow of coarse-grained items and breaking work down to fine grained items. The deadline driven board based on an assumption that the most critical aspect of work are delivery dates and monitoring delays. Finally, non-homogenous flow board design addressed the issue of different flows of work in each of the projects.

    Which design is most useful then? It depends. To address that question we first need to answer which aspect of our work is the most important to track on a regular basis. To get that answer we need to discuss risks.

    Risk Management

    Obviously, risk management is a multi-dimensional issue. Some dimensions would be more interesting than others. The word “interesting” typically translates to the fact that we are more vulnerable to a specific class of risks or that we are doing especially badly against managing that class of risks.

    A typical example in the context of portfolio management would be overburdening. We commit to more projects or products than we can chew. We end up having our teams juggling all the concurrent endeavors. As a result we see a lot multitasking, context switching, and huge inefficiencies.

    In such a case the most interesting dimension of risks would be one related to managing available capabilities and ongoing commitments. And that would exactly be information that we’d like to focus on most when designing Portfolio Kanban board.

    That’s by the way almost exactly the process I went through when I proposed capability-focused board design. Of course, back then the thought process wasn’t that structured and it was more trial and error.

    There are some additional aspects of the story, like the huge variability of size of the projects that we typically see. This would affect the details of the board design as well. In this case relative size is visualized as well.

    The most important bit is that we start with the most important risk dimension. This should define the whole structure of Portfolio Kanban board.

    Coming back to different visualizations I mentioned we can easily figure out what was the key class of risks in each design.

    In two-tiered board the biggest concern was smooth flow of coarse-grained items (feature sets). We can also figure out that variability in size of feature sets wasn’t that much of a problem. Given that we’re talking about product development organization and that they are in full control of how they define feature sets, it does make a lot of sense.

    Delivery date driven board stressed how important risks related deadlines and timeliness of delivery were. We may also notice that there isn’t much stress on flow of work and not that much focus on addressing potential overburdening either.

    The design with non-homogenous flow, as its name suggests, pinpoints that most important risk dimension was managing flow. On the other hand risks related to capability management and overburdening don’t seem so important.

    Optimal Design

    The structure of Portfolio Kanban board can show only that much. We can’t visualize all the risk dimensions using the board structure alone. David Anderson in his Enterprise Service Planning talk points that it is common that organizations track 4-8 different dimensions of risks. The board design can address one or two.

    Make it the two that matter most.

    Where would others go? Fortunately we still have items on our board, whatever we decide them to be. We can track information relevant for other risk dimensions using information on index cards. The design of the items on the board is no less important than the design of the board itself.

    Designing Portfolio Kanban board is not an obvious task. We don’t even have a standard approach – something similar to a flow-based design we commonly use on a team level. Understanding how we manage risks is the best guidance that can lead to fairly optimal board design quickly.

    Of course one alternative is to go through a trial and error process. Eventually you’d land with similar outcomes. A quicker way though is to start with understanding risks.

  • The Fallacy of Shu-Ha-Ri

    Shu-Ha-Ri is frequently used as a good model that shows how we adopt new skills. The general idea is pretty simple. First, we just follow the rules. We don’t ask how the thing works, we just do the basic training. That’s Shu level.

    Then we move to understanding what we are doing. Instead of simply following the rules we try to grasp why the stuff we’re doing works and why the bigger whole was structured the way it was. We still follow the rules though. That’s Ha level.

    Finally, we get fluent with what we do and we also have deep understanding of it. We are ready to break the rules. Well, not for the sake of breaking them of course. We are, however, ready to interpret a lot of things and use our own judgement. It will sometimes tell us to go beyond the existing set constraints. And that’s Ri level.

    I’ve heard that model being used often to advise people initially going with “by the book” approach. Here’s Scrum, Kanban or whatever. And here’s a book that ultimately tells you what to do. Just do it the way it tells you, OK?

    Remember, you start at Shu and only later you’d be fluent enough to make your own tweaks.

    OK, I do understand the rationale behind such attitude. I’ve seen enough teams that do cherry picking without really trying to understand the thing. Why all the parts were in the mechanism in the first place. What was the goal of introducing the method in the first place. On such occasions someone may want to go like “just do the whole damn thing the way the book tells you.”

    It doesn’t solve a problem though.

    In fact, the problem here is lack of understanding of a method or a practice a team is trying to adopt.

    We don’t solve that problem by pushing solutions through people’s throats. The best we can do is to help them understand the method or the practice in a broader context.

    It won’t happen on Shu level. It is actually the main goal of Ha level.

    I would go as far to argue that, in our context, starting on a Shu level may simply be a waste of time. Shu-Ha-Ri model assumes that we are learning the right thing. This sounds dangerously close to stating that we can assume that a chosen method would definitely solve our problems. Note: we make such an assumption without really understanding the method. Isn’t it inconsistent?

    Normally, the opposite is true. We need to understand a method to be able to even assess whether it is relevant in any given context. I think here of rather deep understanding. It doesn’t mean going through practices only. It means figuring out what principles are behind and, most importantly, which values need to be embraced to make the practices work.

    Stephen Parry often says that processing the waste more effectively is cheaper, neater, faster waste. It is true for work items we build. It is true also for changes we introduce to the organization. A simple fact that we become more and more proficient with a specific practice or a method doesn’t automatically mean that the bottom line improves in any way.

    That’s why Shu-Ha-Ri is misguiding. We need to start with understanding. Otherwise we are likely to end up with yet another cargo cult. We’d be simply copying practices because others do that. We’d be doing that even if they aren’t aligned with principles and values that our organization operates by.

    We need to start at least on Ha level. Interestingly enough, it means that the whole Shu level is pretty much irrelevant. Given that there is understanding, people will fill the gaps in basic skills this way or the other.

    What many people point is how prevalent Shu-Ha-Ri is in all sorts of areas: martial arts, cooking, etc. I’m not trying to say it is not applicable in all these contexts. We are in a different situation though. My point is that we haven’t decided that Karate is the way to go or we want to become a perfect sushi master. If the method was defined than I would unlikely object. But it isn’t.

    Are there teams that can say that Scrum (or whatever else) is their thing before they really understand the deeper context? If there are then they can perfectly go through Shu-Ha-Ri and it will work great. I just don’t seem to meet such teams and organizations.

  • The Cost of Too Many Projects in Portfolio

    I argued against multitasking a number of times. In fact, not that long ago I argued against it in the context of portfolio management too. Let me have another take on this from a different perspective.

    Let’s talk about how much we pay for introducing too many concurrent initiatives in our portfolios. I won’t differentiate here between product and project portfolios because for the sake of this discussion it doesn’t matter that much.

    Let’s imagine that the same team is involved in four concurrent initiatives. Our gut feel would suggest that this is rather pessimistic assumption, but when we check what organizations do it is typically much worse than that. For the sake of that discussion and to have nice pictures let’s assume that all initiatives are similarly sized and start at the same time. The team’s effort would be distributed roughly like that.

    Portfolio planning

    The white space between the bars representing project work would be cost of multitasking. Jerry Weinberg suggests that for each concurrent task we work on we pay the tax of 20% of the time wasted on context switching. Obviously, in the context of concurrent projects and not concurrent tasks the dynamics will be somewhat different so let me be optimistic with what the cost in such scenario would be.

    If we reorganize the work so that we limit the number of concurrent initiatives to two we’d see slightly different picture.

    Portfolio planning

    Suddenly we finished faster. Where’s the difference? Well, we wasted much less time on context switching. I assumed some time required for transition from one project to another yet still, it shouldn’t be close to what we waste on context switching.

    In fact, we can move it even further than that and limit the work to a single project or product at the same time.

    Portfolio planning

    We improved efficiency even more. That’s the first win, and not the most important one.

    Another thing that happened is we started each project with the exception of the first one in presence of new information. We could have, and should have, learned more about our business so that we are better equipped to run another initiative.

    Not only that. It is likely that technology itself or our understanding of technology advanced over the course of running the first project and thus we will be more effective building another one. These effects stack up with each consecutive project we run.

    Portfolio planning

    The total effect will be further improvement of the total time of building our projects or products. This is the second win.

    Don Reinertsen argues that the longer the project is the longer the budget and schedule overrun. In other words, if we decided to go with all the concurrent initiatives we’d likely to go longer that we assumed.

    In short it means that we do end up doing more work that we would do otherwise. Projects are, in fact, bigger than we initially assumed.

    Portfolio planning

    The rationale for that is that the longer the project lasts the bigger the incentive to cram more stuff into it as the business environment keeps evolving and we realize that we have new market expectations to address.

    Of course there’s also an argument that with bigger initiatives we have more uncertainty so we tend to make bigger mistakes estimating the effort. While I don’t directly refer to estimates here, there’s an amplification effect for scope creep which is driven by overrunning a schedule. When we are late the market doesn’t stand still. To make up for that we add new requirements, which by the way make the project even later so we add even more features, which again hit the schedule…

    A bottom line is that with bigger projects scope creep can get really nasty. With fewer concurrent initiatives and shorter lead times we get the third win.

    Let’s assume that we’ve had deadlines for our projects.

    Portfolio planning

    What happens when we’re late? Well, we pull more people from other teams. Well, maybe there was one guy who said that adding people to the late project makes it later but, come on, who reads such old books?

    Since in this case all our projects are late we’d pull people from another part of an organization. That would make their life more miserable and their project more likely to be late and eventually they will reciprocate taking our people from our future projects in a futile attempt to save theirs. That would introduce more problems in our future projects. No worries, there will be payback time when we steal their people again, right?

    It’s a kind of reinforcement loop that we can avoid with fewer concurrent initiatives. That’s a fourth win.

    Finally, we can focus on economies of delivering our products or projects. A common sense argument would be to bring time to market as an argument in a discussion. Would we prefer shorter or longer time to market? The answer is pretty much obvious.

    To have a meaningful discussion on that we may want to discuss Cost of Delay. How much it costs us to delay each of these projects. It may translate to the situation when we don’t generate revenues or the one when we lose the existing ones. It may translate to the situation when we won’t optimize cost or fail to avoid new costs.

    In either case there’s an economic value of delivering the initiative later. In fact knowing the Cost of Delay will likely change the order of delivering projects. If we assume that the last project had the biggest Cost of Delay, the first the smallest (4 times smaller) and the middle ones the same in the middle of the spectrum (a half) we’ll end up building our stuff in another order.

    Portfolio planning

    The efficiency of using the teams is the same. The economic effect though is vastly different. This is the biggest win of all. Including all other effects we roughly cut down the total delay cost by two thirds.

    The important bit of course is understanding the idea of Cost of Delay. However, this couldn’t have been enabled if we’d kept running everything in parallel. In such a situation everything would be finished at the same time – at the latest possible moment. In fact, if we avoid concurrent work even the ultimately wrong choice of the order of the projects would yield significantly better economic results than building everything at the same time.

    What we look at is a dramatic improvement in the bottom line of the business we run. The effects of limiting a number of concurrent initiatives stack up and reinforce one another.

    Of course, it is not always possible to delay start of specific batch of work or limit the number of concurrent projects to very low number. The point is though that this isn’t a binary choice: all or nothing. It is a scale and typically the closer we can move toward the healthy end of it the bigger the benefits are.