Slacker Manifesto

We are professionals, we take pride of our work and we pursue continuous improvement. Most of all we learn.

One thing we’ve learned is that pursuing 100% utilization is a myth and a harmful one. Another thing we’ve learned is value of slack time. Building on that, hereby we declare ourselves Slackers.

And here is our Manifesto (you can sign it by leaving a comment if you like to).

Slacker Manifesto

On occasions we do nothing. Or something different. Or else.

Because this means that our teams are more effective.

It also means that we are freaking awesome.

Full list of signatories can be found here — in a stand-alone copy of Slacker Manifesto.

Big thanks to Kate Terlecka and Andrzej Lorenz who influenced creation of this masterpiece highly.


119 responses to “Slacker Manifesto”

  1. Paul Boos Avatar
    Paul Boos

    Sign me up :-)

  2. Andrzej Lorenz Avatar
    Andrzej Lorenz

    I feel I have contributed to this glorious idea hence i sign :)

  3. Piotr Leszczyński Avatar
    Piotr Leszczyński

    :D Is Manifesto another buzzword? Everybody is writing one.
    I’m in.

  4. Jamie Rorrison Avatar

    Sign me up.
    How can we make things better if we never have time to do it!

  5. Andrew Fuqua Avatar

    I’m signing the Slacker Manifesto!

    Here’s my thoughts on how managers can participate by being slack:

  6. Piotr Uryga Avatar

    Sign me up :)

  7. Alexandre Martinez Avatar
    Alexandre Martinez

    Sign me up ;)

  8. Matti Vuori Avatar
    Matti Vuori

    Hereby I sign this valuable manifesto.

  9. Allan @ Aircraft Cables Avatar

    Very classy, almost romantic, then you reached… Freaking Awesome. I dig it.

  10. Grzegorz Majchrzak Avatar
    Grzegorz Majchrzak

    I’m in.Totally. Sign me up.

  11. Leif Ershag (@berinder) Avatar

    Improvment is the keyhole, slacking is the key.

    Sign me up!

  12. Tomek Dabrowski Avatar
    Tomek Dabrowski

    I’m in :) Sign me up please! :)

  13. Andy Stitt Avatar
    Andy Stitt

    I completely agree and am in. Sign me up, please!

  14. Dave Moran Avatar
    Dave Moran

    Great stuff, Pawel! Sign me up.

  15. Simon Marcus Avatar
    Simon Marcus

    Sign me up!

  16. Ingvald Skaug Avatar

    i’m in :)
    slack creates opportunities for improvement without needing to schedule them

  17. Tomasz Pindel Avatar
    Tomasz Pindel

    I’m in :)

  18. Zbigniew Kawalec Avatar
    Zbigniew Kawalec


  19. Radoslaw Orszewski Avatar
    Radoslaw Orszewski

    I’m in of course.

    Just a few more worlds of comments. Lately I have heard from one manager that it is good to keep everyone in the team busy all the time. Why I asked naturally? I was told that otherwise it would look like people are in slack, so reductions in the team are needed. I am sorry for organizations which choose reducing costs over increasing creativity :/

  20. Pawel Brodzinski Avatar

    @Radoslaw – I pity them. By the way, a common strategy is to pretend that work done in slack time is regular work. One idea I’ve heard is to use “golden ticket” as a signal that someone is working on something in their slack time. On one hand it leaves some slack on the other it builds this facade that shows to anyone interested that basically everyone is busy.

    After all, when it comes to slack: doing nothing still improves team’s efficiency although it is advisable to use slack to do improvement work and not just nap peacefully in a hammock.

  21. Haowei Ruan Avatar
    Haowei Ruan

    sign me up please!

  22. Monika Avatar

    Please sign me up :) its extremely interesting to watch the Team when they have free time and can freely use their creativity and make amazing ideas come true :)

  23. Andy Brandt Avatar

    Add me to your list!

  24. Rob van Lanen Avatar
    Rob van Lanen

    Sign me up please :)

  25. Steffen Thols Avatar
    Steffen Thols

    Great! I’m in!

  26. Matthias Orgler Avatar

    Sad, so few people seem to get this point. Sign me up, please!

  27. Peter Bell Avatar

    I’m in – great idea. I’m guessing it was on slack time the manifesto got written :)

  28. Jaap Schuttevaer Avatar

    Sign me up, please

  29. John Goodsen Avatar
    John Goodsen

    Sign me up! @jgoodsen

  30. Willem van den Ende Avatar

    I don’t normally sign manifestos on my slack time, but I’ll make an exception for this one.

  31. Stefan Billiet Avatar
    Stefan Billiet

    Sign me up please :-)

  32. David Chilcott Avatar

    Yes please… I’m a slacker too ;-)

  33. Ewan O'Leary Avatar
    Ewan O’Leary

    I’m in!

  34. Nick Gerakines Avatar
    Nick Gerakines

    I’m in too!

  35. Ron Avatar


  36. Eli Cochran Avatar
    Eli Cochran


  37. David Berkson Avatar
    David Berkson

    Signed, thanks! @drummintime

  38. Thomas Michaud Avatar
    Thomas Michaud

    Bingo. Sign me up. :-)

  39. Tobias Mayer Avatar

    I’d sign this if it wasn’t for the last line. Slacking doesn’t mean we are awesome, it means we have the opportunity to become so (although I dislike the term awesome, it is way too overused).

    I’d prefer that last line to read something more like:
    “It also means we create opportunities for self-actualization.” (ref: Maslow)

    So, not signing, but greatly in favor of the sentiment :)

  40. Mark Hammergren Avatar
    Mark Hammergren

    Down time, as little as there is, is awesome.

  41. donato mangialardo Avatar
    donato mangialardo

    Very nice approach. The manifesto. Great. I’ve done something similar in a different context ( but yours is 10x better for the social approach and conciseness, although I believe that awesomeness is overrated ;)

  42. Subashish Bose Avatar

    Will happily sign in, because not only it’s important but said well too :)

  43. Peter Zvirinsky Avatar

    Sounds like very rational idea, count me in :).

  44. Nicola Lovadina Avatar

    sign me up!
    Slack time for every one!

  45. Paweł Wawrzyczek Avatar
    Paweł Wawrzyczek

    I,m in, Sign me up :)

  46. The Chronologist Avatar

    Yes. Slack is necessary; and it should be balanced with another pillar – that of “sustainable pace.”

  47. Jacek Gintrowicz Avatar
    Jacek Gintrowicz

    Hello, I’m in :-)

  48. Tonianne DeMaria Barry Avatar

    Oh heck yeah – count me in!

  49. Ivan Muts Avatar

    What a great idea! Sign me up!

  50. Romeo-Adrian Cioaba Avatar

    sounds about right! sign me in!

  51. Jeroen Knoops Avatar
    Jeroen Knoops

    Awesome! Sign me up!

  52. Marcin Deryło Avatar

    How did I miss this previously? Sign me in!

  53. Martina Freundorfer Avatar

    Yes, I like to sign that.

  54. Erik Sowa Avatar
    Erik Sowa

    Gimme slack!

  55. rini van solingen Avatar
    rini van solingen

    Yes I can!!

  56. Martin Häntzschel Avatar

    Cheers! Greetings from Argentina

  57. Claudio Guerra Avatar

    Completely agree, signed!

  58. Patty Murray Avatar
    Patty Murray

    Slackers, unite! Sometimes a gal just has to break away from validating requirements and deep diving into processes and put the red queen on the black king — just for a few minutes to reboot the brain.

  59. Britta Hummel Avatar
    Britta Hummel

    Reading this during my “post-deadline slack time”.
    Some of the blog posts here may inspire my management style going forward. Mission accomplished.

  60. Jerzy Stawicki Avatar

    Yes: 100% utilization is a myth, slack time is a must. So we all should repeat and repet that sentence, similar to Cato the Elder in Rome, finishing every his speach in Senate with the phrase “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam” (Carthagine must be destroyed).
    Please sign me up.

  61. Marysia Lachowicz Avatar
    Marysia Lachowicz

    I’m in :-)

  62. Raj Arcot Avatar
    Raj Arcot

    Signed up!

  63. Tomasz Grobel Avatar

    I’m definitely in!

  64. Martin Hudymač Avatar
    Martin Hudymač

    Sign me up :)

  65. Dragan Jojic Avatar

    Came to this manifesto quite late but have been practising it for years, so very happy to sign it, despite the “f…king awesome” bit. Slackers of the world unite!

  66. Randy Tangco, PMP, CSM Avatar
    Randy Tangco, PMP, CSM

    I like the slacker manifesto in the sense that we are communicating what value means.

  67. Rajendra Raja Avatar
    Rajendra Raja

    Yes I wish to be included. For me slack time is when I am doing what induces me from inside heart and mind. Free of pressure from some one. That way I do my productive work only during slack time.

    Coming to 100 billable hours in IT and SW community, please note it is sheer rubbish for management who want to use human talents as machine or juke box or ATM machinary. No human should be on billable work except when he is a trainee or junior worker less than 3 years experience. Leaders and HODs should not have any work besides 50% of their work time. Only then they become creative and think strategically. Otherwise they become pigs as often billable account leaders of software services industry would love to do.

  68. Sophie Johnson Avatar
    Sophie Johnson

    I’m in…as are any team I work with

  69. Morgan Hixson Avatar
    Morgan Hixson

    I so agree with this. Thanks

  70. Kevin Plotner Avatar
    Kevin Plotner

    I agree. I cannot be effective at 100% all the time.

  71. Marco Bresciani Avatar
    Marco Bresciani

    I’m a slacker too!

  72. Tathagat Avatar

    Let’s slack :)

  73. Jon Fazzaro Avatar

    Made me what I am today.

  74. Paweł Rychlik Avatar

    2 years passing by and it still holds. Count me in! :)

  75. Elinor Slomba Avatar

    I am on board with this manifesto – signing with a flourish!

  76. Daniel Wicher Avatar
    Daniel Wicher

    Count me in!

  77. Pradeepa Narayanaswamy Avatar
    Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

    Sign me up!!

  78. Jovica Riznic Avatar
    Jovica Riznic

    let’s slack it

  79. Ravi Cheekati Avatar
    Ravi Cheekati

    I’m in. thanks …

  80. Carlo Beschi Avatar
    Carlo Beschi

    I sign.


  81. Henrique Imbertti Avatar

    Slack for the win!

  82. Joanna Sitkowska Avatar
    Joanna Sitkowska

    Sign me up please! ;-)

  83. Mark Tiedemann Avatar

    I found the Slacker Manifesto to work naturally well on university projects.

    Of course, as individual students, we sometimes did nothing [1]. But, as a lean team, we still had a steady, value-producing workflow.

    Of course, as individuals, we did different stuff along the way [2]. But, as a team, we never got off the customer’s track.

    And most importantly, we had fun doing so — Slacking is indeed awesome!


    [1] not necessarily idle time
    [2] not necessarily project related stuff

  84. Cathy Bariao Avatar
    Cathy Bariao

    I am a slacker.

  85. Geert Van Aken Avatar
    Geert Van Aken

    I also sign the slacker manifesto :P

  86. Stefan van Raaphorst Avatar
    Stefan van Raaphorst


  87. Piotr Kuczyński Avatar
    Piotr Kuczyński

    Add me please!

  88. Philip Rogers Avatar

    Proud to be a slacker

  89. Mirosław Dąbrowski Avatar

    I’m in :) Sign me up please! :)

  90. Cathy Mateo Bariao Avatar
    Cathy Mateo Bariao

    Great post

  91. Katarzyna Świerczek Avatar
    Katarzyna Świerczek

    I am in:)

  92. Dillon Weyer Avatar

    Please add my name.

  93. Sreejith Kaimal Avatar
    Sreejith Kaimal

    Sign me up :)

  94. Swavek Kublin Avatar
    Swavek Kublin

    Hereby I sign the manifesto!

  95. Yanni Liu Avatar
    Yanni Liu

    I agree.

  96. Piotr Rybok Avatar
    Piotr Rybok

    I could not agree more – I’m in! ;)

  97. Michał Gozdera Avatar
    Michał Gozdera

    Sign me up :)

  98. PiMa Avatar

    Great idea :). Please sign me up.

    I am also adding some examples of “doing really nothing” below :p

    Are Scrum Masters lazybones?

    What Scrum Masters Do?

  99. Joshua King Avatar
    Joshua King

    Add me please!

  100. Meline Avatar

    I’m with you! :)

  101. Sean Carmody Avatar
    Sean Carmody

    I’m in.

  102. Dyego Cantu Avatar
    Dyego Cantu

    Sign me up!!

  103. Lynn Chin Avatar
    Lynn Chin

    Sign me up! :)

  104. Chadwick Spencer Avatar
    Chadwick Spencer

    Please add my name as a signatory to the Slacker Manifesto.

  105. Marco Fabbri Avatar

    Big time slacker here, please, sign me up! :-)

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