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Better Conferences or Better Learning?

Better Conferences or Better Learning? post image

Bob Marshall recently published his ideas how to improve conferences. Pretty radical ideas I’d say. Basically what Bob proposes is to move from traditional one-way communication to bi- or multi-directional conversations with expertise available on demand (read the whole post – it’s worth it). By the way similar points were shared by Jurgen Appelo in his writing as well.

I’m no conference animal, even though I helped a bit to organize a few of such events and attended a few more. I went through different formats, from whole day long workshops, through few hour long tutorials, through anything between 90 and 30 minute long sessions, open spaces, TED-like no-more-than-18 minute-long performances, lightning talks, pecha kuchas and whatnot.

While I understand Bob’s desire to change knowledge consumption from push model to pull model I find it hard to buy his ideas uncritically.

There is one reason. The conference isn’t better because this or that format is generally better, but because the very set of people attending the very event learned much. In other words, thinking about an event we should think how this specific set of attendees is going to learn, which is a function of how they expect to learn and how they are prepared to learn.

One of the best events I ever attended was Kanban Leadership Retreat. It was an unconference. It exploited many of ideas Bob shares. From a perspective of attendee, who was willing to learn even though they brought significant knowledge on the subject, it was great. The learning process was very multi-directional and pretty much everyone was both: a teacher and a student.

At the same time on occasions I speak at events where such format would fall flat on its face. It would, as people who attend generally expect knowledge to be pushed to their heads. You may laugh but actually even such approach is sometimes expected in a whole spectrum of behaviors. On one end there’s mindless zombie who was sent to the event by the company (yet still they can learn something). On another there’s TED, where you know close to nothing on vast majority of subjects being discussed and actually expect expertise from people on the stage. Note: we’re still in “Dear speaker, I know nothing of whatever you’re talking about” land. I know there is another dimension where you move from one-way learning to everyone’s a teacher attitude.

So basically my thought on the subject is: first, understand what the effective method of learning is for this very group you’re sharing your knowledge with. And yes, I’m talking here about majority, or average, if you excuse me such vast oversimplifications. I’m saying so because we don’t measure success of event by happiness of most demanding person in the room. Even more, probably the most demanding person in the room shouldn’t be happy with the event, because arguably it would usually come at a price of having many others not catching up with the content.

Having said that I believe that generally speaking conferences should head the way Bob describes as our focus is still on pushing knowledge, not pulling it. I wouldn’t be so quick to revolutionary change all the events though – I would rather look for opportunity to broaden variety of methods attendees can use to learn.

This is what a better learning is all about. And better learning is something better conferences should be all about.

in communication, personal development

Learn. Adapt. Experiment. Repeat.

Learn. Adapt. Experiment. Repeat. post image

One of recurring themes in my discussions on different methods and practices we use in our professional lives is: understand why and how the thing works so you can safely adjust it or substitute it with something else and get the same effect.

A common example is stand-ups. Why are stand-ups limited to short time (15 minutes)? Why were they intended to be done with people standing and not sitting? Why do we answer three standard questions? And finally, how does it help us?

Can you answer these questions from the top of your head?

I know, it isn’t rocket science whatsoever. Yet I know many leaders, and even more teams, that would struggle to answer them reasonably.

Such understanding of tools we use isn’t crucial only because it means you can go beyond by-the-book approach with methods and practices you adopt. It also is a signal that you know and use learn-adapt-experiment-repeat pattern. And this is a game-changer in terms of improving the way you and your team works.

Let me share a story. I had a management retreat today, which was basically dedicated to discussion over handful of topics that are important for us. During the retreat’s summary a bit of feedback I received a couple of times was about the method of finishing discussions we used.

Basically we had a Kanban board to organize subjects to discuss and at any given moment we had 1 (if any) subject that was “ongoing.” Now, if anyone out of 14 people in a room felt that discussion wasn’t adding value anymore or was meandering toward something totally different, they put a small sticky on subject’s index card. Once we had 3 stickies the discussion was over and could go further later, meaning during a break or after the retreat, in a group of people interested.

My goal was simply not to see a dozen people bored to death only because there still are 2 folks who are willing to continue discussing something deadly important to them. At the same time I didn’t want to cut the discussion in half only because a timeslot dedicated for it was over, thus no timeslots whatsoever.

Although no one taught me the method directly I’d lie if I said that I came up with the idea. Actually a few days ago I read Benjamin Mitchell’s post about two hands rule – a method one can use to cut irrelevant discussions during stand-ups.

What I learned from Benjamin’s post wasn’t a stand-up-related technique. I learned the mechanism and understood how it worked. I didn’t dismiss the idea only because I don’t regularly attend any stand-up these days.

Eventually, just after a few days, it came up handy. It required some changes in details as forcing people to keep their hands up for 20 minutes could be considered mobbing, but in its heart it is exactly the same tool.

What happened here is I learned something new, adapted it as needed and experimented (I didn’t know how it would go). Finally, I learned something new. It seems I’m already at the beginning of the next iteration of the pattern. And I have a new tool in my toolbox. One which comes handy with things I regularly do.

I’m two steps ahead. How about you? Are you there too or you still are following the book?

in personal development, team management

A Myth of 100% Utilization

A Myth of 100% Utilization post image

Do you remember your very first job? A junior software developer or a quality engineer. An intern maybe. You were expected to do something. All the time. I mean someone paid you and wanted to keep you busy. You didn’t see a big picture. You just had a queue of tasks you should do. One after another. Like building a brick wall. Brick by brick. Done with one? Here’s another.

More interesting question is: has it changed over years? I mean you probably changed the role a few times, possibly went through a handful of companies. Odds are you see a big picture now. Or at least a big part of a big picture. Maybe you’ve grown to be a leader or a decision maker. Maybe even things are under your control.

Nevertheless I’m still interested: whether you or your bosses still expect people to be busy doing the project tasks all the time?

I guess this is true for vast majority of organizations. We still build brick walls. Brick by brick. Done with one, here’s another. Why bother, you ask.

Well, this approach means basically aiming to have all the people doing something, for the sake of this post let’s call it “project tasks,” all the time. It means aiming for 100% utilization of people. And you know what? If you aim for 100% utilization you’re likely to get pretty damn close to it.

The problem is we don’t get paid for being fully utilized. We get paid for delivering projects (again, please let me go with such a generic word).

Thus, we should be aiming for effective and optimal deliveries and not for having everyone around busy.

And there the fun begins.

Intuitively we follow the way of thinking which tells us that we do most work when everyone actually is doing work all the time. Finished with one feature? Go, start another. The project will end faster.

Except it isn’t true.

We don’t do simple manual work. We don’t build a brick wall where each and every task of adding another brick is similar, simple and almost completely independent of other tasks. And most of all it can be done without much, if any, cooperation with others.

There are a few areas where 100% utilization hits us hard.

Context switching

This is an obvious statement but switching context comes at a cost. I guess we always perform better when allowed to complete one thing uninterrupted before starting another and the nature of task doesn’t matter here. However, when we think of knowledge work there’s another cost we pay – time we need to get at full speed back again. Time to get into the context of the task. It’s not just another brick which we don’t even think of as our hands do the entire job.

100% utilization means basically more tasks being done concurrently, because we want to have so much work started that everyone has something to do. It means that tasks are waiting for people. It means that quality engineers have enough developed features to test that they’re never idle and so on.

OK, but what happens when someone finds a bug? Well, a developer switches back to this feature and fixes it. Then they’ll go back to this new feature they’ve been working on. In the meantime the quality engineer started working on something else and now they need to come back to this issue to retest it. Another context switch. Now, multiply it by a big number and that’s what is happening in many software development teams. Constant context switching, sometimes to work items which were waiting so long that people barely remember what they were all about.

It costs. Each time probably just a bunch of dollars, but multiplied by a number of such situations it stacks up to huge piles of money.

Task juggling

Another problem which comes with having tasks waiting for free people on every stage of the process is that we have lots and lots unfinished work. It means significantly bigger coordination effort you need to invest to keep you machinery working. It means way more prioritization work as every now and then people need to decide what to next. After all they are choosing among a number of different options.

It might surprise you but prioritization can take a huge toll in terms of time consumption. Let’s go with a simple experiment: prioritize whether you prefer to drink or pee at the very moment. It was quick, wasn’t it? Now, prioritize importance of each and every thing which lies on your desk. How much longer the second task took you?

Many ongoing features usually also means that you add cost attached to all the product politics. If there are many decision on priorities during the whole process it means there’s a temptation to change these priorities so team members start attending meetings or having discussions where they are told to add this little gizmo to the next release as it will allow conquering the whole world. No! Not the world, the whole galaxy! Now, imagine you could just avoid all that and focus on value-adding work. How happy you would be.

Time to market

This one is tricky. If you asked any decision maker whether they want to have shorter time to market they would eagerly agree. However, pretty often shorter time to market bears not that much value. Think of fixed priced custom project for a big client. Even if you can release per feature or you can deploy a new version weekly, chances are good they won’t touch it, even with a stick. And if you deliver the whole solution a month earlier than planned they won’t have capabilities to run user acceptance tests, thus you’ll wait anyway.

However, there are project where shorter time to market has huge value. Ask almost any web based app targeted directly to end users. In such cases longer lead times are actually counted in dollars.

Early issue discovery

Although personally I think this one is overhyped it can’t be omitted. If there’s a problem in your process there’s big value in discovering it as early as possible. Think of broken deployment. If you wait until you deploy the huge product at the very end of the project you are screwed up. However, if you care to deploy first bunch of features as soon as it is possible and reasonable, you discover the issue early, sort it out and eventually live through the final deployment with little or no problems.

On a side note: why do I think this one is overhyped? Well, if I hear examples of sending mass snail mails, you know, printing some papers, putting them into envelopes, sticking stamps and so on I wonder what can go wrong with such process. Yeah, envelopes can have wrong color. Wouldn’t I notice it instantly? Hopefully our teams know at least part of their craft at this level as we do mailing.

OK, either way there are quite a few places where we actually pay for 100% utilization. The result is that with the very same team we deliver later when they’re fully utilized than we would if they weren’t.

I know, this is counterintuitive.

It also means that avoiding 100% utilization means that we can build our projects cheaper.

I know, this is counterintuitive.

Actually, it means that letting our people do nothing on occasions means that we can perform better. And I mean nothing like, well, virtually nothing.

I know, this is counterintuitive.

The funny thing is we aren’t that surprised when we think about a highway. When we pack as many cars into highway as it is possible (100% utilization) we expect to see a traffic jam. And that’s what happens. We’ve been there. We’ve seen that. We expect nothing different. Then it is intuitive. Maybe because we’ve experienced that.

Maybe we should give ourselves a chance to experience it in our projects as well?

And yes, we can do better than let people doing nothing when they don’t do project work. But that’s a subject for another post.

in project management

Naming Issue

Naming Issue post image

There is something I see over and over again whenever people are discussing different methods. I go here with very generic “method” label on purpose as I don’t want to limit this to agile and lean world only. People pay much attention to the choice of words when they describe their ideas.

Let me give you an example. Recent Al Shalloway’s post discussing MMFs starts with a distinction between MVP (Minimal Viable Product), MVF (Minimal Viable Feature), MMR (Minimal Marketable Release) and MMF (Minimal Marketable Feature). I don’t want to go into this discussion, but the simple fact people use all these different definitions proves that they really care about wording.

I’ve made similar observation listening to David Anderson describing why he chose specific terms to describe his concepts and what changes he’s going to make in his next publications.

I see this pattern even when people appreciate a specific choice of words someone used to share their message.

And I don’t get it.

OK, that’s not that simple. I understand why people pay so much attention to naming. They try to communicate their thoughts as precisely as possible. They try to describe their message in a detailed and clear way so everyone gets it. Cool. That’s perfect.

Yet still, I don’t get it.

Here’s why. I’m not a native speaker. I can communicate in English (or so I hope) and have even advanced discussions on subjects I’m interested in. At the same I don’t understand all the nuances of the language, something which likely comes totally effortlessly for natives. It basically means that, despite the effort of our thought leaders, I sometime just miss the point they addressed with putting so much attention to naming. It’s just lost in translation.

When we are on translation, well, the problem is even worse. Whenever I speak publicly or train in Polish (my native language) not only do I struggle with my (lack of) understanding of nuances of English language used in sources but also with translating the message precisely enough. Unfortunately vast majority of these nuances is hardly translatable which makes the situation pretty bad.

Of course I can’t say for every other language in the world but I wouldn’t say Polish language is that special, so my wild-ass guess would be that many others non-native English speakers face similar issue.

In such cases my solution is to use any name which seems sort of suitable but add a longer explanation. The name itself isn’t that important. What is important is the meaning people attach to it, which by the way, we have only that much control over.

And that is why I don’t really get this striving for perfection in naming.

I see the right explanation of whichever words we choose to use as way more important challenge. I can say capability, or throughput, or thingamajig. As long as people know what hides under the name it’s going to be fine.

This is by the way something I realized a couple of years ago on a session dedicated to translating Agile Manifesto to Polish. Even though probably we all understood the same values we found it really hard to put it into words of our native language in a way that was satisfactory to all involved.

My realization was: “Whatever. As long as people understand the values wording doesn’t matter that much.”

My appeal to thought leaders: whenever you are fine tuning the naming, remember that there are many people who just won’t get the difference. Good explanation is way better than good naming.

And we still suck at explaining even basic concepts.

You guys may think this whole translation thing is a non-issue and maybe for you that is correct. Remember though there are big parts of the world where English is neither the only nor the first language people use. It’s worth to remind about that from time to time. So I do.

in communication, project management

On Agile Once Again

On Agile Once Again post image

There was said a lot in the old rusty discussion on being agile versus doing agile, The Only Right Mindset, etc. Same with lean but on a smaller scale I guess. In all these discussions I always try to be on common sense side.

I mean I somehow missed the moment when agile became a major religion and lean a minor one (for the time being), but evidently it must have happened as I see lots of worshippers around. People who know the one and the only way of doing things. People who believe in this or that method. Me? I don’t buy it.

I will support most agile and lean initiatives I see out there, but it is not because they suit to my perfect picture of the world. It is so because applying Scrum or Kanban, even by the book, is still an improvement for majority of teams. By the way, pardon my “Kanban by the book” as there is no such thing, but definitely there already are beaten paths leading to Kanban adoption so it wasn’t vast oversimplification.

Anyway, whenever I’m talking with a team about methods I don’t object adopting old-school formal waterfall-like approaches, pardon my French. On occasions I may even advise sticking to them.

And if you ask me, this is exactly being agile.

It’s easy to criticize a team which is following a heavy process. The Manifesto says “people over process,” so you’re doing it wrong! But wait, aren’t that people who enforced (or asked for) this process? Are we really that fixed if we can consume changing requirements and still deliver, despite our heavy process? And most of all, isn’t Scrum (to take the example from the top of my head) a pretty formal process as well?

We are far beyond the point where you could get away with simple labels like “Scrum means agile.” We know more, we understand more and most of all we have hell lot of examples of good, bad and ugly things done under the agile banner.

If I see a team that has a very formal process enforced by their client and they are doing very well, yet they still look for occasions to reduce the burden of formalities while sustaining the quality I see agile. I see it even if the only practice from Scrum handbook they follow is daily standup. I see agile even if, at the first look, most of people would rate them “hard-core waterfall.”

On the other hand, when I see a team applying Scrum, Kanban or whatever they believe is the next big thing, and they are doing it blindly, without understanding how the damn thing works, why it works and how it even applies to team’s specific situation I don’t see even a bit of the message which started it all.

You can say that I oversimplify things. Maybe I do. Yet this approach works for me. This is a lesson I got from jumping on Kanban bandwagon. Kanban is vague enough that the simple message that a team is using the method tells you almost nothing. At the same these few simple rules, which come in variety of flavors, usually bring pretty good results. If you understand what you’re doing, that is.

You don’t need strict and specific rules to make it work. You just need understanding of the tool you use.

This is pretty interesting observation as I happen to be part of program board on different agile/lean events and I still see many proposals trying to go through with the message about the ultimate way of doing things. Wake up! We’re past this point for some time already. We don’t need oracles. We need practitioners sharing their ups and downs, successes and failures, and most importantly deep understanding what they are doing, why, and how comes that it happens to work.

And by the way if you happen to suit this picture somehow I encourage you to submit your proposal to the ACE Conference – the event I can honestly recommend. We still look for a handful of speakers to share their knowledge and experience. Besides, Krakow in late spring/early summer is a really nice place to visit.

in project management

The Project Portfolio Kanban Story: First Changes

The Project Portfolio Kanban Story: First Changes post image

Those of you who remember my Kanban Story probably remember how important experimentation mindset was for me since the beginning of my journey with the method. On project portfolio level the only difference was that I was well aware that such attitude is crucial even before I started doing anything at all. In other words I planned to adopt such attitude.

With this kind of approach you should expect changes in the process and, as a result, changes on Kanban board as well.

OK, let’s start with what I had on the day one:

What was wrong with it?

Well, maybe not really wrong, but it soon appeared I needed more information from the board than I’d already had.

First thing, which became clear and actually could have been predicted, was that throwing all future projects into a single “planned” bucket was an oversimplification. Actually a planned project was pretty much any project which wasn’t yet signed, meaning that there were still many bad things which could potentially happen before we were 100% sure we would be doing it.

Soon enough I had two groups of planned projects: these which were still expected to be built in near future and those which were in doubt for whatever reasons. Once I realized it I just added another column to the board. Since it was very unlikely that a project “in doubt” would automatically go into development and most probably it would go back to “planned” stage before, I added the column on the very left and index cards could freely go between “planned” and “in doubt” back and forth as I was learning new facts on the projects.

Second problem was related with general status of projects. As I needed to pay more attention to challenged projects than to these which were doing perfectly fine this information was crucial to have it at hand. I decided to go with a simple green-yellow-red statuses, meaning respectively that project was going as planned, wasn’t going as planned but changes could be absorbed by project team or agreed upon with clients or wasn’t going as planned and unless something was done we were likely to fail.

Technically I just grabbed a bunch of color magnets and attached them to all projects in “ongoing” phase. I was changing magnets to different colors whenever a project changed its status according to above definitions. Once I clearly saw which projects are at risk, and I saw that a dozen or more times a day, I could easily ask for more information on a project, look for risk reduction actions, set a higher priority to a project or whatever I felt could help to bring it back to the right track.

After changes the board slightly changed:

Portfolio Kanban Board 2

However that wasn’t all. Third issue I was facing was that I couldn’t tell looking at the board when we were expected to deliver a project. It was super-important information as without knowing the dates it was hard to say whether project was going according to the plan or not. After all without dates I could hardly say I even knew the plan. It was also very difficult to plan future projects as I couldn’t really tell when this or the other team would be free.

And this is why my index cards started evolving as well. At the very beginning an index card for a project was very simple:

As process described on the board wouldn’t tell me anything about dates I decided to add this information to index cards. I wrote any key dates we knew for a project. It could be stage deadlines if we had multiple stage deliveries or deadlines for delivery, user acceptance testing and project closure, etc.

Then, as you may easily guess, these dates started changing, either in controlled or uncontrolled manner. Either way I ended up crossing out the old dates and adding new ones. Despite the fact that index cards started looking a bit cluttered I realized that the fact that dates had changed was important to me as well so decided to keep it this way.

And then I had all the discussions on budgets. I mean one thing is to deliver on time, another one is to keep a project within budget. So yes, I was having these budget-related chats pretty regularly. Of course I could refer to budgeting application, but then I wanted to work on the data which is up to date. This disqualified the budgeting app as sometimes we had old data there. What more, there was a number of different reasons why we had it this way, be it anything from preserving initial budget estimates to bug in the system.

Anyway, I ended up writing budgets on index cards. And again, whenever budget was changing I was crossing the old number out and adding a new one.

A new index card looked like this:

Besides the initial information, which was project name and team or teams working on a project, I had project status and a sort of notebook for important facts regarding the project (dates, budgets). Why do I say that it was a notebook? Well, after some time handful of index cards looked not-that-clean:

Anyway, I had the information I needed.

Of course all these improvements didn’t happen in a single day. It was more of a constant process of small adjustments and tweaks spread over a longer time span.

There’s also one approach I used, which you may find useful. When I was adding dates or budgets to index notes, I didn’t checked them for each and every project which was on the board already. I just set the policy that each new index note which makes it to “ongoing” column had to have the data filled. In terms of projects which were already in development I was adding this information slowly over time, usually whenever I was discussing the very project and somehow dates or budget became important in the conversation.

It meant that eventually I’d have had complete information either because I gradually updated all the index cards in “ongoing” column or because projects were finished and the cards were moved to “maintenance.”

After all these evolutionary changes I was still kind of unhappy with the board. I still didn’t feel I had any explicit limits and, what even worse, I didn’t see any simple method to add them. I also noted that sometimes I found it hard to keep all the information updated, as the board was still fully owned and managed by myself. However I decided not to go with it to the outside world unless I was sure it was going to work.

So no, that’s not the end of the story. However, I encourage you to read it from the beginning.

Advertisement: Want to have such nice Kanban boards in your presentations or blog posts as well? Check InfoDiagram Kanban Toolbox. Use pawelBBlog code to get $10 discount.


in kanban, project management
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In Defense of Difficult Decisions

In Defense of Difficult Decisions post image

I made quite a bunch of difficult decisions in my professional life. I underestimated their negative impact a few times. I received a lot of flak for making them in the first place. And I would probably make vast majority of them again if I had a chance.

I also restrained myself and didn’t make a few harsh decisions. Sometimes I wanted to do it but couldn’t, sometimes I could but didn’t have guts and sometimes I just didn’t want to deal with consequences. Given the chance I would likely act differently in these situations.

It seems I’m a bit gung-ho when it comes to fighting status quo. Why?

Well, first thing is that whenever you’re reading a story how a company was turned around the story always has this big change, which eventually results in a new, better situation. If you’re doing great that’s fine – do more of whatever you’re doing.

However, pretty few of us are in a position where we can say that we’re doing totally fine. It means that we need to try, sometimes hard, to change things around us. It means that we need guts to make difficult decisions on occasions.

What kind of decisions you ask? Well, so far the most difficult decisions I made were somehow connected with people. It was either about letting them go, which may be just a neat metaphor for firing, or not giving them what they wanted, or moving them out of their comfort zones.

After all, if everyone around is happy with your decisions, they aren’t difficult.

So we come back to the question which so far I’m trying to avoid answering to. Why am I willing to face unpleasant consequences instead of just accepting status quo?

One answer would be that I’m physically unable to accept mediocrity. I mean, in the long run. It doesn’t mean that I’m not willing to work in an organization that sucks. I did, at least once, and even though the starting point was really appalling, the thing which kept me there was a chance to change things around. The thing which frustrates me way more, and mean much, much more, is when you aren’t allowed to improve the situation even if you want it badly. Then, it doesn’t really matter what the starting point is. It may be decent but if it isn’t going to change my frustration will grow. And I don’t like to be frustrated, thus guts to make difficult decisions.

Another answer would be that the real change more often than not requires difficult decisions. I like a metaphor I learned years ago from one of my friends: “powdering shit.” It doesn’t make it smell better or be more pleasant. It’s just fooling yourself – “it is powder, you see, not shit.” Well, no, not really. It smells like shit, looks like shit, it is shit. Sorry. Powdering it doesn’t improve it. At all. You want to change the aroma? Clean the mess. Get your hands dirty. There’s no easy way. The only way is difficult (and unpleasant). Thus difficult decisions again.

It doesn’t mean that bold decisions are a way to go in each and every situation. No. The problem is, it’s way easier to find people who prefer accepting mediocre status quo than painful changes for the better. 4 out of 5 people (OK, I’ve just made up this statistic) will prefer to wait to the least possible (possible, not reasonable) moment before they make a difficult decision. Sometimes this waiting takes years. Years of mediocrity or, even worse, years of witnessing how the situation slowly deteriorates to the point where company goes out of business.

And this is another reason for difficult decisions. There are few people having guts to make them. People, in general, would likely accept them, even though some of them would complain, but they don’t make them. Ever. Unless forced. Even if they say otherwise. After all, who likes to do unpleasant tasks? So yes, my gung-ho approach sort of compensates ultra-conservative approach of majority, thus difficult decisions once more.

Now, don’t understand me wrong – difficulty that goes along with a decision doesn’t automatically make it a good one. You can be wrong with a difficult choice as well as with an easy one, except in former case it will hurt you badly. No risk, no fun, they say.

However, when I think about wrong decisions I made, somehow majority of them are those which seemed ease at the time of making them. It was sort of accepting status quo. “It was always like this, why would you want to change it?”

To make it better. To make our teams better. To make our work better. To make our products better. To catch up with ever-changing business environment. Or, in other words, to keep the organization alive in the long run. Not a bad motivation, eh?

in personal development, software business

Why You Should Ask: “Why?”

Why You Should Ask: “Why?” post image

David Joyce shared a short story on Twitter how a team was told by a coach to switch from Kanban to Scrum and they eventually got back to what they’d had initially. It seemed to that the team had been operating pretty well in the first place so I was curious why they were told to change.

It seems that coach’s argument was that they weren’t agile.


I think I should start with a few disclaimers. Yes, you can officially consider me a Kanban proponent. No, I don’t think that Kanban, in general, is superior to Scrum (or any other specific approach). Yes, I like Scrum and witnessed it working very well for some teams. No, I don’t think that Scrum, in general, is superior to Kanban (or any other specific approach).

I do however have problem with people selling agile, or any other approach, as it was the one and the only revealed truth. I do have problem with people selling agile as the way of life. I do have a general problem with any orthodox folks out there selling their snake oil.

The problem is there are more and more such people. Agile is already a business. Scrum is a business as well. Soon Kanban will be business too. This means there is plenty of people who are selling ready-to-apply solutions without even thinking how they might be used in a given environment. Or whether they are applicable at all.

You should avoid these people. The problem isn’t that they aren’t helping. It’s even worse. They are actively harming your team.

One theme which often comes to me whenever I’m working with different teams or preaching agile or lean is that not only should you learn the method of your choice, but also understand why it works. “Whys” are crucial here.

If you understand why a specific practice or rule is there you can fine-tune it in a way that doesn’t harm the team, or substitute it with other technique which covers with the same gap. Otherwise it’s just following the book.

Now, it’s perfectly fair to follow the book if you and your team aren’t experienced with different methods and don’t have answers for all the whys at hand. However, if we take coaches, people who earn money teaching us, it is their freaking duty to understand how, why and where tools they sell happen to work.

Otherwise they are like the coach from David’s story. Selling his snake oil with bullshit arguments like “it isn’t agile.” Well, I’m not agile, so what? Would my customers pay me even a buck for being so? I thought they were paying me for software I build and using this or that method is reasonable if and only if it can help me to be more effective.

When I see snake oil salesmen I’m sad. I’m even sadder when I see people buying their snake oil. If we can do anything about this, we can try to reach as wide audience as possible with our message. Avoid orthodoxy. Avoid people who have the same answer for every problem. Avoid those who can’t answer your whys. And don’t be afraid to call bullshit.

in project management, software business

Effective Standups around Kanban Board

Effective Standups around Kanban Board post image

You can hear here and there that Kanban scales up pretty well. Actually one of Scrum issues, and I believe one that isn’t addressed neatly, is what to do in projects that take more people than a single Scrum team can accommodate. Definitely one thing which is surfaced pretty soon as Scrum team grows is standup meetings.

As you go with three standard questions through growing team it naturally takes more and more time. Soon it can be a problem to fit into short time-box you have for such meetings.

When team are adopting Kanban they usually leave standup unchanged. However it means that, at some point, they face the same issue as Scrum teams do – 15 minutes is not enough anymore.

Recently Jorn Hunskaar shared such story on his blog. It prompted me to combine a bunch of ideas into a single answer that can be a guide how to improve standups organized around Kanban board. I left a lengthy comment on Jorn’s blog although I believe it is worth to share the idea here as well.

Instead of running typical round-the-table with answers about what happened yesterday, what is going to happen today and what issues are there you may try to redesign the pattern you follow on standup.

  • First, go through all the blockers (if there are any). These are definitely your pain points at any given moment. It means that you definitely want to invest precious standup time on blockers. This is no-brainer.
  • Second, discuss expedite or emergency items (again, if there are any). This is top priority work from the perspective of the whole team. This is something you really need to get done even at cost of delaying other work. Again, something which is worth investing scarce resource into.
  • Third, go through items that hasn’t moved since last standup. These are items which may be risky. Maybe they weren’t supposed to move but in this case it would be a quickie – not much discussion needed. Otherwise it is worth to have a brief analysis what happened that prevented moving cards forward. By the way, it means that you should have some kind of mechanism to mark index cards which aren’t moving, which is usually tricky.
  • Fourth, go through everything else. One more guidance you can have is discussing items of one class of service after another in order of priorities. In other words you start with highest priority class of service (bugs, critical features or what have you) and discuss all items of this class of service. Then you move to another one. Well, at least this can work considering that you can tell which class of service is more important than other.

One more rule would definitely be reasonable: within each of these groups you start from the right side of the board and go to the left. This shows that the closer an item is to being done the more you want to discuss it as you are closer to complete it, thus bring value to your users, clients and stakeholders.

Now, up to this point there is little difference – you still go through every single work item which is on the board. There is different focus on issues and you may skip discussing obvious pieces of completed work but still, a lot of stuff to go through.

However, given that you’ve just sorted topics to discuss by priority you can just use a simple trick and just finish discussion when the time of the meeting has elapsed, no matter if you were able to finish all the things. It likely means that you’ve covered all the items from first three groups, and definitely all of them from first two, and whatever leftovers you have are items which require least discussion or no discussion at all.

It also means that on a good day you can cover all things, or more things than on worse day, but that’s perfectly OK. What you basically need is to ensure that most important stuff doesn’t go unmentioned.
Going a step further means that you can skip a discussion over a specific groups or sub-groups of items, e.g. a specific class of service, when you see it doesn’t really add any value. If you aren’t sure try to cover it during standups and see what outcome you get. Then you can start experimenting with the plan of the meeting.

Ideally, after some time, you will end up discussing only important stuff, say, blockers, expedited and stalled items and maybe others which are brought by any team member for an important reason and just skip regular work which needs no more attention than a silent confirmation that everything is perfectly fine.

in communication, kanban

Product Owner versus Product Ownership

Product Owner versus Product Ownership post image

Product Owner (capital letters) is a role known from Scrum. The role which is defined pretty well. Sort of. Actually, sometimes I think that there are almost as many approaches to Product Owner role as there are Scrum teams.

In theory it is an ideal situation when PO is client representative working closely with a project team. That’s the theory. In practice I could hardly point any team that has comfort of such setup. More common scenario is PO on vendor’s side, a member of the team, who is acting as client’s advocate the best they can.

However, for many teams it is still too good to be true. The only thing they want is to have a single person that can answer any product-related question in reasonable time. I once called it an acceptable scenario. Bob Marshall answered that it is as acceptable as broken leg is, which is also true.

I treat such solution as acceptable as I know many teams that don’t even get this. In other words broken leg is still better than no leg at all.

Anyway, my point is that understanding of Product Owner role is um… broad, to be delicate. However, more interesting dispute would be about reasons which PO role was introduced in Scrum for. Now, excuse me this generalization, but basically PO role is there because we, as a team, want to know what the heck the right thing to build next is.

Product Owner role is set as an important part of Scrum team model, gets tools to mark out and correct team’s course (planning meetings, demos) and is a go-to person whenever any scope-related doubts pop up. Saying that PO tells the team what to do would be an oversimplification but generally it’s PO who has almost full control over what the team builds.

What about product ownership (small letters) then? Well, I’m not really fond of definitions or labels, so don’t treat the following as an oracle’s epiphany, but when I use the term product ownership I mean roots of Product Owner role: knowing what is the the most important thing to build at any given moment.

Note: I point roots of PO role and not the PO’s duties. The difference is important as Product Owner, being a part of Scrum, is pretty well-defined, formalized and prescriptive approach to the problem of product ownership. And definitely not the only one.

If we discuss a project you work on, I don’t want to know who is your Product Owner, product manager or whatever-you-call-them. I don’t even want to know how you call them or what flavor they are of. What is really important for me is how you know that you’re building the most important thing at any given moment.

If you don’t have a damn good answer for this question you’re likely wasting money of your employer.

Knowing what is important is a clue of product ownership. Good Product Owner is only one of paths of pursuing this goal.

in project management