It is said that formal agreements are for bad times. As far as everything goes well we can forget about papers even when there are some of these. Either way it’s all about trust. A question: what happens when a subcontractor doesn’t do their work well? Do you take a signed papers and count forfeits? […]
Somehow my recent discussions are mostly about estimating. Last discussion on PM Clinic happens to be on the very same subject. It reminded me about great technique which can improve your software estimates. It is called Evidence Based Scheduling and I’ve learned this from Joel Spolsky’s article. The basic concept is pretty simple. Jack the […]
OK, this one is controversial. Software estimating. How to do it good, or good enough? First of all, when talking about the subject we all can learn a lot from Glen Alleman who bring quite an uncommon perspective to the area as he’s based in industries which tolerate missed deadlines with much less patience than […]
Who should be a leader of a startup? An easy question. One of founders. Or even better each of them. They are naturally predestined to leading role. They got the idea. They own the company. They keep all things running. Now the more important question: what kind of leaders are they? Why is it so […]
Last time I shared mistakes we made while working on Overto – startup which was closed down some time ago. Today another part – things we did right and are worth replaying next time I’ll be engaged in a startup. Setting up a company behind Setting a company, which is quite an effort in Poland, […]
Some time ago we closed down Overto – startup I was involved in. It was a failure – pretty obvious thing since we’ve closed the service. Since we learn much on our mistakes I think a reliable analysis why the business have failed should be valuable for you. For the beginning things we screwed. No […]
When talking about managers people often confuse two terms: a manager and a leader. The difference is pretty simple however. Management is a job while leadership is an attribute. You can be promoted to a manager role, but you can’t be promoted to be a leader. To become one you need to work your butt […]
One of my ex-CEOs told me once a story about situation he’d have to face when he’d been a newbie manager. Shortening the story (it’s dull anyway, you can just skip it) a bit there was serious hardware malfunction in a company. There were no spare parts on service stock and they were to deliver […]
What is it? To make long story short post mortem is a little discussion after a project or important part of project. The team discusses what was done well and what was screwed. Before discussion one person gets feedback from all team members to bring a food for thought. Outcomes are used in future projects. […]
One of measures of good management is a number of situations when people, not a manager, decide how to do things. When the manager allows people to make their decisions. Let them become accountable. I’d like to see technical design document, but you decide what should be in, what out and how the whole thing […]

Hi, I’m Pawel and I’m your host.
Leadership in Technology is a blog dedicated to wide variety of topics related to running a technology business.
Among others you will find here: product management, agile and lean, leadership, organizational design and more.
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