• I’m a long-time fan of visual management. Visualizing work helps to gather low-hanging fruits: it makes the biggest obstacles instantly visible and thus helps to facilitate the improvements. By the way, these early improvements are typically fairly easy to apply and have big impact. That’s why we almost universally propose visualization as a practice to […]

  • When I’m writing these words I’m on my way home from Lean Agile Scotland. While summarizing the event Chris McDermott mentioned a few themes, two of them being organizational culture and experimentation. Experimentation is definitely my thing. I am into organizational culture too. I should be happy when Chris righteously pointed both as the themes […]

  • Multitasking is bad. We know that. Sort of. Yet still, we keep fooling ourselves that we can do efficiently a few things at the same time. When I talk about limiting work in progress I point a number of reasons why multitasking and its outcome – context switching – is harmful. One of them is […]

  • Whenever a topic of motivation at work pops up I always bring up Dan Pink’s point. In the context of knowledge work, in order to create an environment where people are motivated we need autonomy, mastery, and purpose. The story is nice and compelling. However, what we don’t realize instantly is how high Dan Pink […]

  • By now Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is for me mostly a buzzword. While I’m a huge fan of the idea since I learned it from Lean Startup, these days I feel like one can label anything an MVP. Given that Lunar Logic is a web software shop we often talk with startups that want to […]

  • One of the messages that I frequently share is that we need more women in our teams. By now I’ve faced the whole spectrum of reactions to this message, from calling me a feminist to furious attacks pointing how I discriminate women. If nothing else people are opinionated on that topic and there’s a lot […]

  • Organizational culture is one of these areas that I pay a lot of attention to. Over years I started valuing the role of the culture increasingly more and more. The biggest difficulty though is that organizational culture is a challenging beast to control. Organizational Culture organizational culture the behavior of humans who are part of […]

  • One thing that I learned quickly when I started experimenting with Portfolio Kanban is that a classic, flow-driven board design isn’t particularly good in vast majority of cases. Board Designs Long story short, I ended up redesigning the board structure completely and it worked much better. In fact, it worked so well that I started […]

  • Shu-Ha-Ri is frequently used as a good model that shows how we adopt new skills. The general idea is pretty simple. First, we just follow the rules. We don’t ask how the thing works, we just do the basic training. That’s Shu level. Then we move to understanding what we are doing. Instead of simply […]

  • I argued against multitasking a number of times. In fact, not that long ago I argued against it in the context of portfolio management too. Let me have another take on this from a different perspective. Let’s talk about how much we pay for introducing too many concurrent initiatives in our portfolios. I won’t differentiate […]

Hi, I’m Pawel and I’m your host.

Leadership in Technology is a blog dedicated to wide variety of topics related to running a technology business.

Among others you will find here: product management, agile and lean, leadership, organizational design and more.


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